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MacKellar, C.Cyborg Mind: What Brain–Computer and Mind–Cyberspace Interfaces Mean for Cyberneuroethics. Berghahn Books. 2019. 262pp. $135.00/£99.00 Hb Published. ISBN 978‐1‐78920‐014‐0
Sociology of Health & Illness ( IF 2.957 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-10 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.13204
Juma Kasadha 1, 2

Cyborg Mind is a comprehensive and authoritative book that discusses ethical and anthropological questions. It addresses key ethical and anthropological questions, challenges and implications that have arisen with respect to neuronal interface systems in both medical and nonmedical contexts. Furthermore, it addresses social, legal and philosophical implications of the use of new brain–computer interface technologies. The book provides insights into how helpful and promising neuronal interfaces are also giving rise to ethical challenges and questions, and it uniquely discusses the interface between the neuronal network (brain), electronic systems (computer) and cyberspace.

On reading MacKellar’s Cyborg Mind, one is presented with six chapters of futuristic deliberations on human identity, dignity and human nature in the world. The book’s first chapter contextualises cyberneuroethics based on historical trends that expound the field of control and communication (cybernetics) in animals including humans or machines. It explains how cybernetics enables anything digital, mechanical or biological to process and react to information. Chapter two illustrates how media like science fiction books and films have created an imaginative exploration of human society and explains how changing technologies have affected human behaviour. Specifically, the advanced computer technology that enhances cyberbrains allows biological brains to interface with various networks, making it possible to transplant human brains into completely robotic bodies so that individuals have permanent access to cyberspace.

Chapter three explores the brain–mind interface from a mind–body dilemma, the solutions to which are Dualist (substance and property) and Monist (physicalism, idealism and neutral monism). The Dualist perspective distinguishes between the realm of mind and the realm of matter, but they give different answers about how the two realms relate to each other, whereas the Monists postulate that there is only one realm of being. To the Monist, the mind and matter are both aspects of the realm (p. 39). Although he does not provide a comprehensive solution to this long‐standing debate, MacKellar suggests the need to examine how external influences (environment) affect the brain and mind, given that the mind emerges from and is shaped by interaction between the brain, body and environment (p. 40).

Procedurally, Cyborg Mind highlights steps involved in the neuronal interface systems. These include the neuronal basis of brain function, coding and representation, brain behaviour and perception, and the neurobiological basis of certain diseases (p. 47). Chapter four particularises the futuristic role of technology in enhancing human experiences such as new forms of brain manipulation aimed at cognitive enhancement or neuronal modification or correction (p. 48). In addition, Cyborg Mind addresses the challenges arising from direct neuronal interface with a computer network and the resulting association that may develop between human mind and cyberspace. It offers an anthropological and ethical examination of the future risks or harms, addressing guidelines to better the crude contemporary technology that requires significant improvements before more advanced neuronal interface appliances are developed (p. 99).

Chapter five explains specific individual and societal ethical guidelines and also addresses the probable risks faced in implementing the guidelines. MacKellar suggests the need for society to restrict neuronal interface enhancement, but at the same time shares fears of significant challenges that result from creating and justifying feasible mechanisms that restrict enhancement. MacKellar also addresses the behaviour of online humans who use multiple communication systems and devices to remain highly connected, arguing that they already exhibit the first elements of cyberneuroethics, in particular, the real risks and advantages of hyperconnectivity, coping with the amounts of information available, virtual worlds, social media and new technologies that have increased questions of whether humans have become cyborgs (p. 112). Furthermore, it addresses how technologies are changing cognition, consciousness, mood, personality, identity, escaping reality and humanity (p. 113–156).

The book’s sixth chapter addresses policy concerns and the need for new legal systems aimed at addressing the challenges of cybercrimes, mental integrity and identity theft (p. 218–225). On privacy and surveillance, and the right to privacy, the author specifically notes the need to protect rights to privacy, in particular, software that enables anonymous use of neuronal interface systems (p. 193).

However, MacKellar’s book falls short in explaining how new technologies can be used in large dataset mining where cross‐referencing is done to ensure that a range of personal information is protected against public consumption digitally (p. 220). Although the author is conscious of ethical guidelines, the book limits itself to those agreed upon by the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics (p. 239–242); there is need for further discussion on universally acceptable ethical guidelines on cyberneuroethics.

Despite this, the book is an essential piece of work for engineers, computer technologists, biologists, theologians, media and legal practitioners, anthropologists, those who study philosophy and politicians; in other words, anyone with an interest in questions of human/technology interfaces. More specifically, it is timely for the disciplines of neurology, neurobiology, neurosurgery, neuropathology, neuro‐oncology, neuro‐management, neuro‐web design and the neuro‐fuzzy (p. 15–17). Ethically, the book draws boundaries for neurologists who study the brain’s processes and the neurobiologists who explore the brain’s working mechanism from a purely biological standpoint (p. 19–20). Although MacKellar’s book presents complex ideas that augment available literature, it advances an existing fear that no one may be really in control or knows what will happen with the consumption of these technologies. This raises ethical questions of who to trust with preventing and controlling negative consequences of such a technology (p. 25). MacKellar’s rigorous conceptualisation of cyberneuroethics is thus timely and will guide future research.


MacKellar,C.Cyborg心灵:脑-计算机和心灵-网络空间接口对网络神经伦理学意味着什么。Berghahn图书。2019. 262pp。$ 135.00 /£99.00 Hb已发布。国际标准书号978-1-78920-014-0








