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The Structure of Social Cohesion: An Analysis of Its Levels and Dimensions in Mexico City1
Sociological Forum ( IF 1.867 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1111/socf.12667
Oscar A. Martínez‐Martínez 1 , Anidelys Rodríguez‐Brito 1 , Araceli Ramírez‐López 2

This article aims to conceptualize and assess social cohesion in Mexico, taking into account their multilevel and multidimensional nature. To measure social cohesion levels and dimensions, we used the Social Welfare Survey (N = 2871) for the 16 municipalities in Mexico City. Then, we employed the urn:x-wiley:08848971:media:socf12667:socf12667-math-0001 distance method to construct a social cohesion index. In addition, we define social cohesion degrees (very high, high, medium, and low) to explore the relevance of each indicator. The findings suggest that the objective and subjective indicators at the meso‐level has the highest contribution, regardless of the territory or degrees of cohesion. This finding suggests that neighborhoods are well organized for solving everyday problems. Meanwhile, the willingness to help both friends and members of one’s network was not a priority, which can be explained by the suspicion toward other people and the prevalent economic conditions.



考虑到墨西哥的社会凝聚力的多层次和多维性质,本文旨在对其进行概念化和评估。为了衡量社会凝聚力的水平和规模,我们对墨西哥城的16个城市使用了社会福利调查(N = 2871)。然后,我们采用了缸:x-wiley:08848971:media:socf12667:socf12667-math-0001距离法构建社会凝聚力指数。此外,我们定义了社会凝聚力程度(非常高,非常高,中等和很低),以探索每个指标的相关性。研究结果表明,中尺度的客观和主观指标贡献最大,而与领土或凝聚程度无关。这一发现表明,邻里组织得井井有条,可以解决日常问题。同时,帮助朋友和网络成员的意愿并不是优先考虑的事情,这可以由对他人的怀疑和普遍的经济状况来解释。