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Journal of Social Philosophy ( IF 1.063 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1111/josp.12392

Dr. Kerri Woods is an Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Leeds, UK. She is the author of Human Rights (Palgrave, 2014) and Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability (Elgar 2010), and has interests in human rights theory, environmental human rights, feminist theory, theories of solidarity, and refugees’ rights.

Christine Straehle is a Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Hamburg and a Professor of Ethics and Applied Ethics at the University of Ottawa. She has held numerous fellowships and is an Associate Member of Nuffield College, Oxford. Her research interests are in Global Justice and Migration Justice, reproductive Justice and Vulnerability. She is the editor or co‐editor of several books, most recently The Political Philosophy of Refuge (Cambridge).

Joshua Hobbs is a Lecturer and Consultant in Applied Ethics at the University of Leeds. He primarily works on the topic of cosmopolitan motivation and the role of emotions in understanding our obligations to distant others, and has recently published articles on the role of anger and shame in motivating cosmopolitan action and the ethics of nudges in motivating charitable giving. He runs the Motivating Cosmopolitanism Research Network.

Dr. Clara Sandelind is a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield. Her research examines the relation between immigration, nationalism, and the welfare state. She has published work on open borders, states' obligations to refugees, and the impact on welfare states.

Mihaela Mihai teaches political theory at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interest covers political emotions, political judgment, the politics of memory, art and politics, and theories of oppression. She is the author of Negative Emotions and Transitional Justice (Columbia University Press, 2016) and of numerous articles published in Political Theory, Contemporary Political Theory, European Journal of Political Theory, Journal of Political Philosophy, among others. She is currently the principal investigator of a European Research Council Starting Grant, entitled: Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations.

Alessandro Salice is a Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of University College Cork and a Research Associate at the Center for Subjectivity Research in Copenhagen. He has extensively published on a variety of topics related to phenomenology, philosophy of mind and action, and moral psychology. His current work mainly addresses issues concerning human sociality. Alessandro is the co‐editor of Journal of Social Ontology.

Glenda Satne is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She has published extensively on normativity, collective intentionality, and the second person. She is currently a member of the Australasian Association for Philosophy (AAP) Committee for the Status of Women in Philosophy and a member of the Steering Committee of the International Social Ontology Society (ISOS).

Dr. Lior Erez is a MINDSS Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Political Science, University of Haifa. He is interested in the intersection of international relations and the ethics and politics of citizenship, and has written on normative questions surrounding global justice, immigration, humanitarian intervention, and international development aid. His work has appeared in journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, the British Journal of Political Science, Social Theory and Practice, and Ethics & International Affairs.

Michael Milona is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Ryerson University. His principal research interests are at the intersection of ethics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. His recent publications include “Intellect Versus Affect: Finding Leverage in an Old Debate” (Philosophical Studies) and “Discovering the Virtue of Hope” (European Journal of Philosophy).



Kerri Woods博士是英国利兹大学政治理论副教授。她是《人权》(帕尔格雷夫,2014年)和《人权与环境可持续性》(埃尔加,2010年)的作者,并且对人权理论,环境人权,女权主义理论,团结理论和难民权利感兴趣。

Christine Straehle是汉堡大学的实践哲学教授,也是渥太华大学的伦理学和应用伦理学教授。她获得了许多奖学金,并且是牛津纳菲尔德大学的准会员。她的研究兴趣是全球正义和移民正义,生殖正义和脆弱性。她是几本书的编辑或共同编辑,最近的著作是《避难的政治哲学》(剑桥)。

Joshua Hobbs是利兹大学应用伦理学的讲师和顾问。他主要研究大都会动机和情感在理解我们与他人相距遥远的义务中的作用,最近还发表了有关愤怒和羞耻在激励大都会行动中的作用以及轻推的道德在激励慈善捐赠方面的文章。他负责激励世界主义研究网络。

克拉拉·桑德林德(Clara Sandelind博士是谢菲尔德大学政治与国际关系系Leverhulme早期职业研究研究员。她的研究探讨了移民,民族主义和福利国家之间的关系。她发表了有关开放边界,各州对难民的义务以及对福利国家的影响的著作。

Mihaela Mihai在爱丁堡大学教授政治理论。她的研究兴趣包括政治情感,政治判断,记忆政治,艺术和政治以及压迫理论。她是负面情绪和过渡时期司法(哥伦比亚大学出版社,2016)和大量文章发表在笔者政治理论当代政治理论欧洲杂志政治理论杂志政治哲学,等等。目前,她是欧洲研究委员会起步补助金的首席研究员,该补助金的标题是:照亮“灰色地带”:解决侵犯人权行为中的复杂共谋问题。

亚历山德罗·萨利斯Alessandro Salice)是科克大学哲学系的讲师,也是哥本哈根主观研究中心的研究助理。他广泛发表了与现象学,心理和行动哲学以及道德心理学有关的各种主题。他目前的工作主要涉及人类社会问题。亚历山德罗(Alessandro)是《社会本体论杂志》Journal of Social Ontology)的联合编辑。

Glenda Satne是澳大利亚卧龙岗大学的哲学高级讲师。她发表了大量有关规范性,集体意图和第二人称的文章。她目前是澳大拉西亚哲学协会(AAP)妇女地位妇女委员会的成员,并且是国际社会本体社会(ISOS)指导委员会的成员。

Lior Erez博士是海法大学政治学院的MINDSS博士后研究员。他对国际关系与公民道德与政治之间的交集感兴趣,并撰写了有关全球正义,移民,人道主义干预和国际发展援助的规范性问题。他的工作出现在《美国政治科学杂志》《英国政治科学杂志》,《社会理论与实践》以及《伦理与国际事务》等期刊上

迈克尔·米洛纳Michael Milona)是瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University)的哲学助理教授。他的主要研究兴趣是伦理学,认识论和心理哲学的交汇处。他最近的出版物包括“智力与影响:在古老的辩论中找到杠杆”(哲学研究)和“发现希望的美德”(欧洲哲学杂志)。
