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Introduction: African Americans: Official and Unofficial Violence in America
Journal of Black Studies ( IF 0.856 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0021934720970089
Molefi Kete Asante 1

In this essay the author introduces the emergence of the paddy rollers as control forces to contain the black population during the enslavement of Africans in the United States. Soon after the end of the Civil War the police forces took over the activities that had been the purvey of the paddy rollers: keeping black people in place and out of the way of white people. However, the resistance to abuse, torture, and murder was never far from the active imagination and reality of African Americans who maintained their own humanity. Tracing, in a limited fashion, how the biologically unscientific race became the premise for racism and the attacks on black people by police officers who often took their perceptions of blacks, especially black men, as negative and inferior from the systemic and institutional character of the society’s understanding of superior and inferior humans. This, according to the author, is at the base of hatred, discrimination, and lynching of African Americans in current and previous occasions. He illustrates this by discussing the case of Mary Turner who was killed in the early part of the 20th century for objecting to white mob attacks on her husband.



在本文中,作者介绍了在美国奴役非洲人期间,作为控制力量的稻米压路机的出现,以控制黑人。内战结束后不久,警察部队接管了稻米压榨机一直从事的活动:将黑人留在原地,而不挡住白人。但是,抵制虐待,酷刑和谋杀从未远离维护自己人性的非洲裔美国人的积极想象和现实。以有限的方式追寻生物学上不科学的种族如何成为种族主义和经常以黑人尤其是黑人的黑人警察袭击黑人为前提的前提,从社会对上等和下等人类的理解的系统性和制度性来看,这是消极的和下等的。根据作者的说法,这是在当前和以前对黑人的仇恨,歧视和私刑的基础。他通过讨论玛丽·特纳(Mary Turner)的案件来说明这一点,他在20年代初期被杀世纪反对丈夫的白色暴徒袭击。
