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The body and sexuality in cultural representation: an interview with Susan Bordo
Journal of Gender Studies ( IF 2.011 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2020.1860740
Goutam Karmakar 1


According to Zita, Bordo’s The Flight to Objectivity: Essays on Cartesianism and Culture is ‘one of the most thorough and focused feminist critiques of the masculinization of western philosophy that has been written thus far’ (1990 Zita, Jacquelyn N. (1990). [Review of the book Flight to Objectivity: Essays on Cartesianism and Culture, by Susan Bordo], Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 15(3), 645648. https://doi.org/10.1086/494617[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar], pp. 647–648). This interview focuses on Susan Bordo’s works and views on body politics with respect to gender, class, colour, sexuality and shape. It highlights the critique of the cartesian notion of western philosophy, the masculinized view of female and also the socially constructed perceptions of body and weight. The conversation references Bordo’s prominent works such as The Flight to Objectivity (1987), Unbearable Weight (1993), Twilight Zones (1997) and The Male Body (1999) to contextualize arguments on the body, sexuality and social stigma. The views of Bordo presented here are also based on recent political developments and the rise of women of colour in the global political arena.




根据 Zita 的说法,Bordo 的The Flight to Objectivity: Essays on Cartesianism and Culture 是“迄今为止对西方哲学男性化的最彻底和最集中的女权主义批评之一”(1990 年)Zita, Jacquelyn N. ( 1990 )。[苏珊·博尔多 (Susan Bordo) 所著的《飞向客观性:笛卡尔主义与文化随笔》一书的回顾,《标志:文化与社会中的女性杂志》,15(3),645648。https://doi.org/10.1086/494617 [Crossref]、[Web of Science®]、[  Google Scholar],第 647-648 页)。本次采访的重点是苏珊·博尔多 (Susan Bordo) 的作品以及关于性别、阶级、肤色、性取向和形状等身体政治的观点。它强调了对西方哲学的笛卡尔概念、女性的男性化观点以及社会建构的对身体和体重的看法的批判。对话引用了波尔多的杰出作品,例如The Flight to Objectivity (1987)、Unbearable Weight (1993)、Twilight Zones (1997) 和The Male Body (1999) 将关于身体、性和社会污名的论点置于语境中。博尔多的观点也是基于最近的政治发展和全球政治舞台上有色人种女性的崛起。
