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Commerce, AI, and the Woman Question: In the Shadow of Alice W. Fuller’s ‘A Wife Manufactured to Order’
Journal of Gender Studies ( IF 2.011 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2020.1860739
Tom Ue 1


In this article, I examine Alice W. Fuller’s short story 'A Wife Manufactured to Order' (1895) to show how it incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) to advance debates surrounding the rights of women. Fuller’s story appeared at a period when the Woman Question was warmly debated in periodicals and imaginative fiction. Nevertheless, it has received inadequate scholarly attention. This article offers a corrective by attending to its treatment of the marriage between man and machine and by recovering Fuller's economic metaphors. It argues for the cultural significance of her project by revealing it to be a precursor to influential works such as Ira Levin’s The Stepford Wives (1972); and by attending to the currency of this conversation as it manifests in Bryan Forbes’ 1975 and Frank Oz’s 2004 film adaptations. By examining the commonalities between these works and by analysing the economic thread that connects them, this article foregrounds Fuller’s contributions to debate about the roles, rights, and responsibilities of women, and it suggests, to some extent, the persistence of her concerns in our own time.


商业,人工智能和女性问题:在爱丽丝·沃勒(Alice W. Fuller)的“按顺序制造的妻子”的阴影下


在本文中,我研究了爱丽丝·沃勒(Alice W. Fuller)的短篇小说《按顺序制造妻子》(Aife Manufactured to Order)(1895年),以展示其如何结合人工智能(AI)来推动围绕妇女权利的辩论。富勒的故事出现在期刊和富有想象力的小说中,《妇女问题》受到热烈讨论的时期。然而,它没有得到足够的学术关注。本文通过关注人与机器之间的婚姻以及恢复富勒的经济隐喻来提供一种纠正措施。它通过揭示该项目是艾拉·莱文(Ira Levin)的《史蒂芬·妻子》The Stepford Wives)等有影响力的作品的先驱来证明其项目的文化意义。(1972);并通过关注这一对话的最新内容,如布莱恩·福布斯(1975)和弗兰克·奥兹(Frank Oz)2004的电影改编中所体现的那样。通过研究这些作品之间的共性并分析它们之间的经济联系,本文提出了富勒在辩论妇女的角色,权利和责任方面所做的贡献,并在一定程度上表明了她对我们的关注的持久性。自己的时间。
