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Ethnoecology of miriti (Mauritia flexuosa, L.f.) fruit extraction in the Brazilian Amazon: knowledge and practices of riverine peoples contribute to the biodiversity conservation
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-020-00430-z
Flávio Bezerra Barros 1 , Fagner Freires de Sousa 2 , Josiele Pantoja de Andrade 1 , Fabrício Menezes Ramos 2 , Camila Vieira-da-Silva 3

This article presents, from an ethnoecological perspective, the worldviews, traditional knowledge, and cultural practices of Amazonian riverine people involved in the extraction of miriti fruits (Mauritia flexuosa L.f.), in a context of increasing market demand for miriti fruits and of pressure for the intensification of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) production on the Sirituba island, in Abaetetuba, Brazil. Methods used were participant observation and non-directive interviews with 22 extractive families of miriti from the Santa Maria and Costa Sirituba communities, on Sirituba Island, in Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil. Non-structured interviews were used to analyze the knowledge about the species, history of miriti extraction, the traditions, and innovations related to this activity over time. Participant observation took place when riverine individuals were working with miriti fruits, in order to grasp the “codes” that permeate the human-nature relationships embedded in this production system. It was verified that the riverine peoples have a great knowledge about the palm tree, which is reflected in their own classification systems and management practices that allow the sustainable extraction of the fruits, avoiding, for example, cutting the miriti palms. In addition, a reciprocity relationship was observed between riverine peoples and miriti palm that are personified and preserved, contributing to the conservation of the species in the floodplain, even with the intensification of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) production. Another important aspect is the collective work involving all the members of the family, which allows the appropriation of the knowledge about the extraction of miriti by the young, allowing the resistance of the tradition that remains strong, contributing to the sustainability of the practice and conservation of biodiversity in the Amazonian floodplain. The k-c-p complex inherent to the riverine universe allows, even in face of the growing commercial demand for miriti fruits and the unchallenged increase in the extraction of this product, the conservation of floodplain biodiversity. Thus, we emphasize the importance of traditional knowledge and practices for biodiversity preservation, and they use them to guide public policies and natural resource management systems, aiming for sustainable ways to manage and use biodiversity.


巴西亚马逊河(Muritia flexuosa, Lf)水果提取的民族生态学:流域人民的知识和实践对生物多样性的保护做出了贡献

本文从民族生态学的角度介绍了参与提取miriti水果(Mauritia flexuosa Lf)的亚马逊河流域的世界观,传统知识和文化习俗,以及对miriti水果的市场需求不断增加以及对巴西Abaetetuba的Sirituba岛上的açaí(Euterpe oleracea Mart。)生产增加。所采用的方法是参与者观察和对来自巴西帕拉阿贝图图巴的西里图巴岛圣玛丽亚和哥斯达黎加西里图巴社区的22个蝶提取家庭的非定向访谈。使用非结构化访谈来分析有关该物种的知识,金丝桃提取的历史,随着时间的推移与该活动有关的传统和创新。参加观察的人是在河沿地区的人们使用明珠果实时进行的,目的是掌握渗透在该生产系统中的人与自然关系的“代码”。事实证明,沿河人民对棕榈树有丰富的知识,这反映在他们自己的分类系统和管理实践中,这些分类系统和管理实践可以可持续地提取果实,例如避免砍倒金钟棕榈。此外,人们观察到人性化和保存的河岸人民与米利提棕榈之间存在互惠关系,即使在加大açaí(Euterpe oleracea Mart。)产量的情况下,也有助于洪泛区物种的保护。另一个重要的方面是涉及家庭所有成员的集体工作,这允许年轻人使用有关提取鱼的知识,从而使对传统的抵制仍然很强,这有助于亚马逊河漫滩的做法的可持续性和生物多样性的保护。即使面对商业上对miriti水果的需求不断增长,以及该产品提取的挑战不断增长,该河流宇宙固有的kcp复合物仍可以保护洪泛区生物多样性。因此,我们强调传统知识和做法对于保护生物多样性的重要性,并利用它们指导公共政策和自然资源管理系统,以可持续方式管理和利用生物多样性。允许仍然强大的传统抵制,这有助于实践的可持续性和亚马逊河漫滩的生物多样性保护。即使面对商业上对miriti水果的需求不断增长,以及该产品提取的挑战不断增长,该河流宇宙固有的kcp复合物仍可以保护洪泛区生物多样性。因此,我们强调传统知识和做法对于保护生物多样性的重要性,并利用它们指导公共政策和自然资源管理系统,以可持续方式管理和利用生物多样性。允许仍然强大的传统抵制,这有助于实践的可持续性和亚马逊河漫滩的生物多样性保护。即使面对商业上对miriti水果的需求不断增长,以及该产品提取的挑战不断增长,该河流宇宙固有的kcp复合物仍可以保护洪泛区生物多样性。因此,我们强调传统知识和做法对于保护生物多样性的重要性,并利用它们指导公共政策和自然资源管理系统,以可持续方式管理和利用生物多样性。即使面对对miriti水果的商业需求不断增长,并且该产品的提取量无可争议地增加,洪泛区生物多样性的保护也应运而生。因此,我们强调传统知识和做法对于保护生物多样性的重要性,并利用它们指导公共政策和自然资源管理系统,以可持续方式管理和利用生物多样性。即使面对对miriti水果的商业需求不断增长,并且该产品的提取量无可争议地增加,洪泛区生物多样性的保护也应运而生。因此,我们强调传统知识和做法对于保护生物多样性的重要性,并利用它们指导公共政策和自然资源管理系统,以可持续方式管理和利用生物多样性。