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Effect of crop rotation on common bean cultivars against bacterial wilt caused by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-020-02176-6
Ricardo Marcelo Gonçalves , Tadeu Antônio Fernandes da Silva Júnior , José Marcelo Soman , João César da Silva , Antonio Carlos Maringoni

A crop rotation system can reduce phytopathogen inoculum, and consequently reduce the incidence and severity of disease. Bean bacterial wilt is an important disease and several crops can act as inoculum sources for Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff). The aim was to evaluate the influence of crop rotation systems on 10 common bean cultivars against bacterial wilt. Experiments were located in two different areas in Brazil (2012), cultivated under a no-tillage system and with a history of the disease. The evaluated rotation systems were black oat, wheat and fallow followed by common bean. After harvest, 10 dry bean cultivars were sown, together with a fallow area. Disease incidence and severity were assessed at 45, 60 and 80 days after sowing. Also evaluated were four agronomical parameters: pod numbers, grain numbers, total weight of grains per plant and weight of 100 grains. Epiphytic and endophytic colonization by Cff was evaluated in black oat and wheat, and in crop debris. The rotation systems significantly influenced the incidence and severity of bacterial wilt in common bean cultivars in both areas and negatively affected the four agronomic parameters. The cultivars BRS Campeiro, BRS Estilo, IPR Tuiuiú, IPR Tangará and IPR Campos Gerais presented low severity and incidence of the disease and higher productivity. Cff strains were recovered from black oat, wheat and crop debris. Our results reinforce the importance of planting non-Cff host crops in rotation systems with common bean, as well as planting cultivars with a level of resistance to bacterial wilt.



轮作系统可以减少植物病原菌的接种量,从而降低疾病的发生率和严重程度。豆类细菌性枯萎病是一种重要疾病,几种农作物都可以作为黄曲霉PV的接种源。黄曲霉(Cff)。目的是评估轮作系统对10种普通豆品种的抗细菌性青枯病的影响。实验分别位于巴西的两个不同地区(2012年),在免耕方式下种植且具有该病的历史。评估的轮作系统是黑燕麦,小麦和休闲草,其次是普通豆。收获后,播种了10个干豆品种以及休耕区。在播种后45、60和80天评估疾病的发病率和严重程度。还评估了四个农学参数:豆荚数量,谷粒数量,每株植物的谷粒总重量和100谷粒的重量。在黑燕麦,小麦和农作物残渣中评估了Cff对附生和内生的定植。轮作系统显着影响两个地区普通豆品种中细菌萎的发生率和严重程度,并对四个农艺参数产生负面影响。品种BRS Campeiro,BRS Estilo,IPRTuiuiú,IPRTangará和IPR Campos Gerais品种的病情严重程度和发病率均较低,生产率更高。从黑燕麦,小麦和农作物残渣中回收了Cff菌株。我们的结果强调了在普通豆轮作系统中种植非Cff寄主作物的重要性,以及种植对细菌枯萎具有一定抗性水平的品种的重要性。从黑燕麦,小麦和农作物残渣中回收了Cff菌株。我们的结果加强了在普通豆轮作系统中种植非Cff寄主作物以及种植具有一定水平的抗青枯病品种的重要性。从黑燕麦,小麦和农作物残渣中回收了Cff菌株。我们的结果加强了在普通豆轮作系统中种植非Cff寄主作物以及种植具有一定水平的抗青枯病品种的重要性。
