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The techno-finance fix: A critical analysis of international and regional environmental policy documents and their implications for planning
Progress in Planning ( IF 6.063 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.progress.2016.06.001
Trish Morgan

Abstract This article is concerned with the interaction of international, regional and national policy on climate change and sustainability, and the implications of these policy dimensions for planning. With the scientific consensus pointing to unequivocal human influence on the ecosystem, the issue of how best to manage climate change and ecological sustainability is arguably now a matter for economic, political, policy and planning domains. However, despite the warnings of scientists that ‘business as usual’ economic accumulation is no longer an option, this analysis of international and regional policy suggests that in the main, solutions are proffered that merely shift forms of capital accumulation and enforce ‘business as usual’, rather than providing transformative trajectories to plan for climate change adaptation and mitigation. This article traces key documents from an international level including United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, to EU regional policy, and sectoral policy at a sample national level. This is with a view to providing a theoretical backdrop, and a summary of selected relevant documentation that planners may be required to consider with respect to climate change issues. This article may therefore be considered in part, as a ‘map’ of the policy landscape for planners, highlighting the policy tensions and the conflicts that exist between international, regional and national levels of policymaking. These tensions largely lie between the areas of economic and ecological stability, and usually fail to reconcile contradictions between economic growth and protection of the ecosystem. The article introduces the concept of the ‘techno-finance fix’ to analyse and critique the dominant solutions to climate change. These solutions involve a dovetailing of a hope in emergent, new and not-yet-existing technologies, with a hope that the markets will fund the correct types of technological innovation deemed necessary to mitigate climate change. Therefore, the implications for planning involve an imperative to respond to climate change, and knowledge in the key aspects of climate change policy. However, the response at a planning level depends on which dominant narratives are being forwarded from the top down at a multi-layered policy level. This work therefore suggests that the ‘techno-finance fix’ is a dominant approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and that planning for climate change is thus informed by this dominant narrative, to the marginalising of alternative solutions, including those outside the market or technology.



摘要 本文关注气候变化和可持续性方面的国际、区域和国家政策的相互作用,以及这些政策维度对规划的影响。随着科学共识指向人类对生态系统的明确影响,如何最好地管理气候变化和生态可持续性的问题现在可以说是经济、政治、政策和规划领域的问题。然而,尽管科学家警告说,“一切照旧”的经济积累不再是一种选择,但对国际和区域政策的这一分析表明,大体上提出的解决方案只是改变资本积累的形式并强制执行“一切照旧” ',而不是提供变革性的轨迹来规划气候变化适应和减缓。本文从国际层面追溯关键文件,包括联合国气候变化框架公约 (UNFCCC) 和政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 的报告,以及欧盟区域政策和国家层面的部门政策样本。这是为了提供理论背景,以及规划人员可能需要考虑的有关气候变化问题的选定相关文件的摘要。因此,本文可以部分地被视为规划者的政策格局“地图”,突出了政策制定的国际、区域和国家层面之间存在的政策紧张和冲突。这些紧张局势主要存在于经济和生态稳定领域之间,并且通常无法调和经济增长与生态系统保护之间的矛盾。本文介绍了“技术金融解决方案”的概念,以分析和批判气候变化的主要解决方案。这些解决方案涉及对新兴、新技术和尚不存在的技术抱有希望,希望市场能够为缓解气候变化所必需的正确技术创新类型提供资金。因此,规划的意义涉及应对气候变化的必要性以及气候变化政策关键方面的知识。然而,规划层面的反应取决于在多层次政策层面自上而下转发哪些主要叙述。