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The Standard Model, the Maximalists and the Minimalists: New Interpretations of Trypillia Mega-Sites
Journal of World Prehistory ( IF 3.545 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10963-017-9106-7
John Chapman

The currently prevailing view of the Trypillia mega-sites of the fourth millennium BC has been the dominant model for over 40 years: they were extra-large settlement examples of the Childean ‘Neolithic package’ of permanent settlement, domesticated plants and animals, and artifact assemblages containing polished stone tools and pottery. Trypillia mega-sites have therefore been viewed as permanent, long-term settlements comprising many thousands of people. This view of these extraordinary sites has been identical whatever the various opinions on their urban or other status. In recent mega-site publications, a maximalist gloss has been put on this standard view—with population estimates as high as 46,000 people (Rassmann et al. in J Neolit Archaeol 16: 96–134, 2014). However, doubts about the standard view have been emerging over the past two decades. As a result of the last six years’ intensive investigations, a tipping point has been reached, with as many as nine lines of independent evidence combining to create such doubts that the only logical response is to replace the standard model (not to mention the maximalist model) with a version of the minimalist model that envisions a less permanent, more seasonal settlement mode, or a smaller permanent settlement involving coeval dwelling of far fewer people (the ‘middle way’). In this article, I seek to construct an evidential basis for the alternatives to the standard view of Trypillia mega-sites.



在公元前四千年的Trypillia巨型遗址上,目前流行的观点已成为40多年来的主要模型:它们是永久定居,驯养的动植物和人工制品的Childean“新石器时代配套”的超大定居实例。包含抛光石工具和陶器的组合。因此,Trypillia巨型遗址被视为包含数千人的永久性长期定居点。无论对城市或其他地位的各种看法如何,对这些非凡遗址的看法都是相同的。在最近的大型站点出版物中,已在此标准视图上使用了极大主义的光泽,人口估计高达46,000人(Rassmann等人,《新近考古学》(J Neolit Archaeol)16:96–134,2014)。然而,在过去的二十年中,人们对标准观点产生了怀疑。经过近六年的深入研究,已经达到了一个转折点,多达九行独立证据相结合,产生了这样的怀疑,即唯一的合乎逻辑的回应就是要取代标准模型(更不用说最大化论者了)。模型)的版本,该模型设想了一种永久性较低的,季节性更多的定居模式,或者涉及涉及人数少得多的近代人居住的较小的永久性定居(“中间路线”)。在本文中,我试图为Trypillia巨型站点的标准视图的替代方法构建证据基础。多达九行的独立证据相结合,产生了这样的怀疑,即唯一的逻辑响应就是用设想较少持久性,更具季节性的结算模式的极简主义模型替代标准模型(更不用说极简主义模型了) ,或者是规模较小的永久住区,涉及远古时代的居民,而人数要少得多(“中间路线”)。在本文中,我试图为Trypillia巨型站点的标准视图的替代方法构建证据基础。多达九行的独立证据相结合,产生了这样的怀疑,即唯一的逻辑响应就是用设想较少持久性,更具季节性的结算模式的极简主义模型替代标准模型(更不用说极简主义模型了) ,或者是规模较小的永久住区,涉及远古时代的居民,而人数要少得多(“中间路线”)。在本文中,我试图为Trypillia巨型站点的标准视图的替代方法构建证据基础。