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Association between Sleep Problems and Sedentary Behaviors during Work among Korean Workers
Iranian Journal of Public Health ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.18502/ijph.v49i9.4087
Eunmi Lee 1 , Yujeong Kim 2 , Haeyoung Lee 3

According WHO, more than 60% of the world’s population has less than 30 minutes of mediumlevel physical activities, which is the minimum recommended amount of activity (1). Sedentary behavior is especially a global problem in public health. Sedentary behaviors include any waking behaviors characterized by energy expenditure ≤1.5 metabolic equivalents while in a sitting, reclining, or lying posture ‘(2). Sedentary behaviors are highly related to obesity, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases (3). Especially, as workers spend one third of their day working, working conditions with mostly sedentary behaviors can cause health problems (4). In addition, examining workers’ sedentary behaviors are important as prior studies found that longer duration of sedentary behaviors at the workplace leads to a longer duration of sedentary behaviors at home as well (5). There has been a recent increase in the interest in the association between sedentary behaviors and sleep problems. Sleep problems are among the most common health problems experienced by 10-20% of the world’s population (6). Sleep problems can be categorized into three different categories: lack of sleep including insomnia, disturbed sleep including sleep apnea, and excessive sleep including narcolepsy (7). The American Abstract Background: We aimed to identify the association between sleep problems and sedentary behaviors during work among Korean workers. Methods: We employed a cross-sectional survey, and analyzed data from the 5th Korean Working Conditions Survey, conducted in 2017. The participants were 50,205 workers aged 15 years and above. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation, chi-square distribution, and logistic regression. Results: Sleep problems occurred more frequently among female participants with higher ages; those with low educational levels; skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers; elementary workers; and service and sales workers. With general characteristics as control variables, it was found that the odds of sleep problems were 5.547 times higher if the duration of sedentary behavior was longer. Conclusion: It is important to improving work environment and provide education on various physical activities for workers with a long duration of sedentary behaviors to reduce sleep problems among them.



根据世界卫生组织的数据,世界上超过 60% 的人口的中等体力活动时间少于 30 分钟,这是推荐的最低活动量 (1)。久坐行为尤其是公共卫生领域的一个全球性问题。久坐行为包括任何以坐姿、卧姿或卧姿时能量消耗≤1.5 代谢当量为特征的清醒行为'(2)。久坐行为与肥胖、II 型糖尿病和心血管疾病高度相关 (3)。特别是,由于工人每天有三分之一的时间工作,主要是久坐行为的工作条件会导致健康问题 (4)。此外,检查工人的久坐行为很重要,因为先前的研究发现,在工作场所久坐不动的行为持续时间越长,在家中久坐行为的持续时间也越长 (5)。最近,人们对久坐行为和睡眠问题之间的关联越来越感兴趣。睡眠问题是全球 10-20% 人口最常见的健康问题之一 (6)。睡眠问题可分为三类:包括失眠在内的睡眠不足、包括睡眠呼吸暂停在内的睡眠障碍和包括嗜睡症在内的过度睡眠 (7)。美国抽象背景:我们旨在确定韩国工人工作期间睡眠问题与久坐行为之间的关联。方法:我们采用横断面调查,并分析了 2017 年进行的第 5 次韩国工作条件调查的数据。参与者为 50,205 名 15 岁及以上的工人。使用 Pearson 相关性、卡方分布和逻辑回归分析数据。结果:年龄较大的女性参与者出现睡眠问题的频率更高;受教育程度低的人;熟练的农业、林业和渔业工人;基层工人;以及服务和销售人员。以一般特征作为控制变量,发现久坐行为的持续时间越长,出现睡眠问题的几率会高出 5.547 倍。结论:改善工作环境,对久坐不动的劳动者进行各种体育活动的教育,以减少他们的睡眠问题。