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Novel routing mechanism for IoT based emergency rescue scenarios
International Journal of Mobile Communications ( IF 1.522 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1504/ijmc.2019.10015529
RASHMI CHAUDHRY , Shashikala Tapaswi

Routing in emergency rescue scenarios where nodes around the site are mobile and send the information about the service needs to the concerned service providers through internet connectivity is an important issue. Focus is done by researchers in the respective fields for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) but the scenarios having mobile nodes around the site and having IoT environment have not been addressed. As this type of case includes time constraint-based services, thus a new mechanism predicting mobility of nodes at gateway and multicasting of the required information accordingly, is proposed in this paper. Meta-heuristic-based algorithm, grasshopper optimisation algorithm (GOA) is modified to fit for the prediction and then applied for taking decision related to multicast routing named as grasshopper-based routing and mobility (GRAM) algorithm. This prediction helps the network to send updates to the emergency site with minimal cost and energy consumption. Analysis of results shows the improved performance of the proposed mechanism in terms of both speed and accuracy.



一个重要问题是在紧急救援方案中进行路由,其中​​站点周围的节点是移动的,并通过Internet连接将有关服务需求的信息发送给相关的服务提供商。研究人员的重点是车辆自组织网络(VANET)和无线传感器网络(WSN)的各个领域,但尚未解决在站点周围具有移动节点并具有IoT环境的场景。由于这种情况包括基于时间限制的服务,因此,本文提出了一种新的机制来预测网关节点的移动性并相应地多播所需信息。基于元启发式算法 修改了草algorithm优化算法(GOA)以适合预测,然后将其用于做出与多播路由相关的决策,这被称为基于草hopper的路由和移动(GRAM)算法。该预测有助于网络以最小的成本和能耗将更新发送到紧急站点。结果分析表明,所提机制在速度和准确性方面都有改进。