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Disenfranchisement in the course of political reorganization. Accommodation and social assistance for asylum seekers in West Berlin and Hamburg, 1973-1982
Erdkunde ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-25 , DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2019.01.05
Malte Bogmann

The article examines from a comparative perspective how policy regarding the accommodation and social assistance for asylum seekers in Hamburg and West Berlin shifted in the period between the beginnings of decentralisation in mid-1973 and the 1982 Asylum Procedures Act, as well as how the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and its federal state governments influenced this shift. Because the dispersal of asylum seekers between 1974 and 1982 was based only on non-binding decisions of the Conference of Interior Ministers, German federal states could refuse to actually receive their quota. Most asylum seekers were accused of lying about prior political persecution in their homelands. Moreover, municipalities were forced to bear the financial burden of providing social assistance for unemployed asylum seekers. For these reasons, many German federal state governments set themselves the goal of receiving as few asylum seekers as possible by lowering the standard of accommodation and social assistance available for asylum seekers. Drawing on the written records of senates and districts in the Berlin and Hamburg State Archives, the documents of the state parliaments, and press reports, the article examines the historical context behind the local introduction of measures to deter asylum seekers, which are nowadays better known as being part of national policy.


政治重组过程中的剥夺公民权。1973-1982 年为西柏林和汉堡寻求庇护者提供的住宿和社会援助

本文从比较的角度考察了汉堡和西柏林寻求庇护者的住宿和社会援助政策在 1973 年中期开始分权和 1982 年庇护程序法之间的时期如何变化,以及政府如何德意志联邦共和国及其联邦州政府影响了这一转变。由于 1974 年至 1982 年间寻求庇护者的分散仅基于内政部长会议的非约束性决定,因此德国联邦州可以拒绝实际获得他们的配额。大多数寻求庇护者被指控在其家乡之前的政治迫害中撒谎。此外,市政当局被迫承担为失业的寻求庇护者提供社会援助的经济负担。由于这些原因,许多德国联邦政府为自己设定了目标,即通过降低寻求庇护者可获得的住宿和社会援助标准,尽可能减少接受寻求庇护者的人数。本文借鉴柏林和汉堡国家档案馆的参议院和地区的书面记录、州议会的文件和新闻报道,探讨了当地采取措施阻止寻求庇护者的历史背景,这些措施如今已广为人知。作为国家政策的一部分。