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A Multispecies Collective Planting Trees: Tending to Life and Making Meaning Outside of the Conservation Heroic
Cultural Studies Review ( IF 0.220 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-25 , DOI: 10.5130/csr.v25i1.6415
Laura McLauchlan

To what extent do our narratives support the work of ecological care? While working in anti-extinction conservation requires paying careful attention to the realities of precarity and ambiguity, this is not necessarily reflected in our public narratives of such work. Instead, as is typified in Jean Giono’s 1953 short story ‘The man who planted trees’, many conservation narratives are pitched in heroic modes, framing conservation labour as working to secure an obvious ‘good’ in perpetuity. In this paper, I think with practicing Buddhist and volunteer tree planter, Errol Greaves, and his work organising and working with dedicated humans helping to regenerate native forest on Te Ahumairangi Hill at the edge of Wellington City. Aiming to create a flourishing native habitat to support the endangered kākā (Nestor meridionalis), Errol’s work is largely in line with mainstream anti-extinction conservation goals in Aoteaora/New Zealand. However, his labour is framed by distinctly non-heroic narratives emphasising cooperation, ambiguity and precarity—emphases more closely related to the comedic, a mode of narration which Joseph Meeker identifies as better allowing for both ecological accommodation and responsiveness. In this paper, I consider the resources offered by various relational ontologies and non-heroic narratives for both responding well to ecological realities and sustaining work for a flourishing world, particularly in our current times of radically apparent precarity.



我们的叙述在多大程度上支持生态保健的工作?虽然从事灭绝保护工作需要认真注意pre不安和模棱两可的现实,但这未必反映在我们对此类工作的公开叙述中。取而代之的是,正如让·吉奥诺(Jean Giono)1953年的短篇小说《种树的人》所代表的那样,许多保护性叙述都是以英勇的方式进行的,将保护性劳动归结为努力确保永久性的“好”。在本文中,我想与佛教徒和志愿树种植者Errol Greaves一起工作,并组织和与专门的人一起工作,以帮助惠灵顿市边缘的Te Ahumairangi山的原生森林再生。旨在创造繁荣的原生栖息地,以支持濒临灭绝的kākā Errol的工作与新西兰Aoteaora的主流灭绝保护目标基本一致。但是,他的工作受到明显的非英雄主义叙事的制约,这些叙事强调合作,模棱两可和pre可危-重点与喜剧密切相关。在本文中,我考虑了各种关系本体论和非英雄主义叙事所提供的资源,它们既可以很好地响应生态现实,又可以为蓬勃发展的世界维持工作,特别是在我们当前极为明显的不稳定时期。模棱两可和pre可危-强调与喜剧紧密相关,这是一种叙事模式,约瑟夫·米克尔(Joseph Meeker)认为这种叙事模式可以更好地兼顾生态适应和响应能力。在本文中,我考虑了各种关系本体论和非英雄主义叙事所提供的资源,它们既可以很好地响应生态现实,又可以为蓬勃发展的世界维持工作,特别是在我们当前极为明显的不稳定时期。模棱两可和pre可危-强调与喜剧紧密相关,这是一种叙事模式,约瑟夫·米克尔(Joseph Meeker)认为这种叙事模式可以更好地兼顾生态适应和响应能力。在本文中,我考虑了各种关系本体论和非英雄主义叙事所提供的资源,它们既可以很好地响应生态现实,又可以为蓬勃发展的世界维持工作,特别是在我们当前极为明显的不稳定时期。