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Rough Work: Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841–1882
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.465 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.100.3.br07
Ian Radforth 1

with Sangster’s assertion that colonialism is “a lived experience of domination, negotiation, and resistance – and a profoundly gendered one at that” (5). Indeed, the last thirty years of literary and cultural history of the North has been devoted to unpicking the tangled relations of nation, race, and gender. As a feminist historian, Sangster is particularly attentive to the moments of contestation that can be discerned in the records, places where Indigenous resistance is on view; yet she is clear that to “understand the ideas and responses of Indigenous northerners” to the construction of their homeland would be “another project” (274). Rather, The Iconic North brings fresh insight and evidence of what these images tell us about how post-war Canada saw the North: as its own colonial other. renée hulan Saint Mary’s University


