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A Land of Dreams: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Irish in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Maine, 1880–1923
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.465 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.100.3.br03
Terry Murphy 1

water quality in the postwar period. Here, concerns about pollution and public health expand to encompass efforts to restore riparian habitat and reclaim the Montreal waterfront as public space. Throughout, Feldstein’s capable translation is complemented by a generous allotment of illustrations, including period images, schematic diagrams, and five attractive and professionally rendered maps of the region. Dagenais offers a compelling account of the evolution of Montreal’s relationship with the water bodies that surround it and the consequences of the city’s decisions for neighbouring municipalities, as well as for cottagers and recreationalists seeking to use the city’s surrounding waterways for a wider variety of pursuits than transport, water supply, and waste removal. With its emphasis on technocratic responses to water in the city and the volatile municipal politics that determined the relative quality and access to city waters, this book will appeal to historical geographers, planning historians, and historians of urban environments. Less conspicuous are ordinary Montrealers and their experiences with water. While wildfowl hunters and sport fishers, cottagers, and anti-pollution advocates make appearances periodically in response to deteriorating conditions, particularly along the Rivière-des-Prairies, we do not become well acquainted with individual actors and their influence. By following water in all its forms through the city, rather than leaving it behind at the riverbanks, City of Water paints a much more comprehensive picture of the role and effects of water in the nineteenthand twentieth-century city than other urban river histories have. The book is also, in the end, about memory and forgetting. Dagenais reminds us in her conclusion that for all the rhetoric in recent decades about Montreal’s neglected waterfront and forgotten secondary waterways, water has been a potent shaper of urban form and urban and suburban power dynamics since the city began to industrialize two hundred years ago. jennifer bonnell York University



战后时期的水质。在这里,对污染和公共卫生的关注扩大到包括恢复河岸栖息地和将蒙特利尔滨水区恢复为公共空间的努力。在整个过程中,费尔德施泰因的翻译能力得到了慷慨的分配,包括时期图像,示意图和该地区的五幅精美且专业绘制的地图,为您提供了补充。达格奈斯令人信服地描述了蒙特利尔与周围水体的关系的演变,以及该市决策对邻近城市,以及试图利用城市周围水道进行更多探索的居民和休闲主义者的后果。运输,供水和废物清除。本书着重强调对城市水的技术官僚主义应对以及决定城市水质的相对质量和可及性的动荡的市政政治,这本书将吸引历史地理学家,规划历史学家和城市环境历史学家。不那么显眼的是普通的蒙特利尔人及其在水上的经历。尽管野禽猎人和运动渔民,村民和反污染倡导者会根据情况的恶化而定期露面,尤其是在里维埃德大草原沿岸,但我们对单个演员及其影响力的了解还不够。通过在城市中追踪各种形式的水,而不是将其留在河岸,“水之城”比起其他城市河流历史,更全面地描绘了水在二十世纪九十年代城市的作用和影响。最后,这本书也是关于记忆和遗忘的。达格奈斯在其结论中提醒我们,尽管近几十年来有关蒙特利尔被忽视的滨水区和被遗忘的二级水道的种种言论,自200年前这座城市开始工业化以来,水一直是城市形态以及城市和郊区电力动力的有力塑造者。詹妮弗·邦纳尔约克大学 自从200年前这座城市开始工业化以来,水一直是城市形态以及城市和郊区电力动力的有力塑造者。詹妮弗·邦纳尔约克大学 自从200年前这座城市开始工业化以来,水一直是城市形态以及城市和郊区电力动力的有力塑造者。詹妮弗·邦纳尔约克大学