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Just Watch Us: rcmp Surveillance of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada.
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.465 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-26 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.100.1.br13
Gregory S. Kealey 1

Interesting institutional aspects are revealed, such as the fact that each member of Parliament could nominate two recruits to this allegedly elite constabulary. Furthermore, until the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Alberta in 1883, nwmp posts and much of the Canadian West were supplied via Fort Benton in the Montana Territory. As other historians have noted, the Mounted Police, which initially included many individuals with military or militia experience, was conceived of as a paramilitary force. Tasked with policing an area of 600,000 square kilometres, it soon became involved with general civil service duties, and its officers, in a departure from the practice back east, served as magistrates. Dunn vividly conveys the challenges faced and hardships experienced by the force in its early years. As noted above, the author acknowledges the vulnerability and sufferings of the Plains First Nations, and he provides plenty of examples of ambivalent attitudes toward, and relations with, Indigenous peoples on the part of the police, ranging from racial prejudice and intimidation to respect and intermarriage. Yet Dunn avoids the big issue of how the nwmp, to borrow from Daschuk, helped clear the Plains. He does acknowledge that by the early 1880s, “the honeymoon” between the police and many First Nations was over (624). He also provides glimpses of how the Metis in the NorthWest Territories aided the police and acted as a type of “buffer” with the Indians (619). Readers will be troubled by the use of the pejorative term “squaw” to describe Indigenous women: it is one thing to include it in a quotation from a primary source but another to use it in one’s own writing. Additionally, a photograph of a naked First Nations woman seems gratuitous, especially as it is attributed to a newspaper in Montana and has no apparent connection with the nwmp. The author is a fan of Commissioner Acheson Gosford Irvine (1880–6), whose career was cut short due to the government’s loss of confidence following the performance of the nwmp during the North-West Rebellion. He calls the failure of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography (dcb) to cover Irvine “ridiculous.” Describing it as “silly revisionism of Canadian history” or “academic ineptitude,” Dunn is seemingly unaware that the dcb depends on volunteer authors to provide entries. The dcb also attempts to portray representative individuals from Canada’s past, including the “unimportant Indians[,] . . . minor Mounties and criminals,” who Dunn sees as less worthy (754). The size of the book and the amount of detail may intimidate some readers, and academics may be troubled by the apparent tendency of the author to accept all sources at face value. Yet the chapters are of a reasonable length, and the narrative, enlivened by countless anecdotes and human-interest stories, will hold the attention of most readers. The book contains roughly 150 photographs or illustrations, a useful timeline, and an index of names. greg marquis University of New Brunswick, Saint John



揭示了有趣的制度方面,例如,每个议会议员都可以提名两名新兵加入这支据称的精英警察。此外,直到1883年加拿大太平洋铁路到达艾伯塔省为止,nwmp哨所和加拿大西部的大部分地区都是通过蒙大拿州的本顿堡提供的。正如其他历史学家指出的那样,最初由许多具有军事或民兵经验的个人组成的骑警被认为是准军事部队。它的任务是维持600,000平方公里的警力,并很快承担起一般公务员职责,其官员从东部偏远的地方出发,担任治安法官。邓恩生动地传达了部队早期所面临的挑战和经历的困难。如上所述,作者承认平原原住民的脆弱性和苦难,他提供了许多例子,说明警察对土著人民的态度和与他们之间的矛盾,从种族偏见和恐吓到尊重和通婚。但是邓恩避免了一个大问题,即从达舒克那里借来的nwmp如何帮助清理了平原。他确实承认,到1880年代初,警察与许多原住民之间的“蜜月”已经结束(624)。他还简要介绍了西北地区的梅蒂斯人如何协助警察并充当印第安人的“缓冲区”(619)。读者会因使用贬义词“ In”来描述土著妇女而感到困扰:将其包含在来自主要来源的报价中是一回事,而将其用于自己的写作中则是另一回事。此外,一张裸体的原住民妇女的照片似乎是免费的,尤其是因为它是蒙大拿州的一家报纸,与nwmp没有明显联系。作者是Acheson Gosford Irvine专员(1880–6)的粉丝,他的职业生涯由于在西北叛乱期间nwmp表现不佳而失去了政府信心而被缩短。他称加拿大传记词典(dcb)未能涵盖尔湾是“荒谬的”。邓恩将其描述为“加拿大历史的愚蠢的修正主义”或“学术上的无能”,似乎并不意识到DCB依靠志愿者来提供参赛作品。dcb还试图描绘加拿大过去的代表性人物,包括“无关紧要的印第安人[,]”。。。邓恩(Dunn)认为他们不值得(754)。书的大小和细节的数量可能会吓到一些读者,而作者似乎显然倾向于接受所有具有表面价值的资料,这可能会使学者感到困扰。然而,这些章节的长度是合理的,其叙事由无数的轶事和涉及人类利益的故事所激发,将引起大多数读者的关注。这本书包含约150张照片或插图,有用的时间表和名称索引。greg marquis新不伦瑞克大学,圣约翰 作者可能会从表面上接受所有资料,这显然使作者感到困惑。然而,这些章节的长度是合理的,其叙事由无数的轶事和涉及人类利益的故事所激发,将引起大多数读者的关注。这本书包含约150张照片或插图,有用的时间表和名称索引。greg marquis新不伦瑞克大学,圣约翰 作者可能会从表面上接受所有资料,这显然使作者感到困惑。然而,这些章节的长度是合理的,其叙事由无数的轶事和涉及人类利益的故事所激发,将引起大多数读者的关注。这本书包含约150张照片或插图,有用的时间表和名称索引。greg marquis新不伦瑞克大学,圣约翰