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Blood, Sweat, and Fear: Violence at Work in the North American Auto-Industry 1960-80
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.465 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-27 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.99.4.br21
Christina Burr 1

the common and accepted story of the fish’s decline – that parasitic sea lamprey arrived via the Welland Canal and decimated trout. While Langston agrees that the lamprey’s arrival was the final straw, she argues that changes made over time on shore filled Lake Superior’s waters with pollution and silt, making the trout so precarious and vulnerable that the lamprey were able to push “the populations over the edge of a cliff” (253). Where Taylor argues that we must adopt complex geographical analysis, Langston argues for nuanced historical scholarship. Together, they force their readers to abandon politically expedient or simple explanations and analyses. Border Flows shares characteristics common to edited volumes that emerge from conferences: the quality of the articles is uneven, and readers will find some articles of higher quality and greater value than others. The volume is also notable for what it does not include: a chapter on border waters east of Quebec (a shortcoming the editors acknowledge in their introduction), discussion of fishers or other people who make their living on or in the water, and any reference to rivers or other waters in American or Canadian culture or national imaginaries. Despite its interdisciplinarity, this book remains steadfastly environmental in its focus. But in other places, it is a model of its genre: it features more than a dozen maps, including a very clever one that acts as a supplemental table of contents, showing the regions each chapter takes as its topic. Heasely and Macfarlane also include a bibliography that combines sources from all the chapters, which serves as an excellent introduction to the literature of the border waters. Finally, the University of Calgary Press is to be commended for offering the volume as a free e-book under a Creative Commons license, which will facilitate course adoption of relevant chapters. jacob a.c. remes New York University



鱼类下降的常见且公认的故事–寄生海七lamp鱼通过韦兰运河到达,并鳟鱼灭绝。兰斯顿同意七Lang鳗的到来是最后一根稻草,但她辩解说,随着时间的推移,沿岸的变化使苏必利尔湖的水域充满了污染和淤泥,使鳟鱼so可危,脆弱,以至于七the鳗能够将“人口推向边缘”悬崖”(253)。泰勒认为我们必须采用复杂的地理分析方法,而兰斯顿则主张采用细微的历史学。他们在一起迫使他们的读者放弃政治上权宜的或简单的解释和分析。Border Flows具有会议发布的编辑量所共有的特征:文章的质量参差不齐,读者会发现某些文章的质量更高,价值更高。该书还因不包括以下内容而引人注目:有关魁北克东部边境水域的一章(编辑在介绍中承认的缺点),关于在水上或水中谋生的渔民或其他人的讨论以及任何参考资料到美国或加拿大文化或国家想象中的河流或其他水域。尽管具有跨学科性,但本书始终坚持以环境为重点。但在其他地方,它是这种类型的模型:它具有十几张地图,其中包括一张非常聪明的地图,它是目录的补充表,显示了每一章作为主题的区域。Heasely和Macfarlane的参考书目也结合了所有章节的资料,这是对边境水域文献的极好的介绍。最后,值得称赞的是卡尔加里大学出版社,该书是根据知识共享许可提供免费电子书的形式,这将促进相关章节的课程采用。雅各布·阿克雷姆斯纽约大学