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Running on Empty: Canada and the Indochinese Refugees
Canadian Historical Review ( IF 0.465 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-27 , DOI: 10.3138/chr.99.4.br15
Marlene Epp 1, 2

Crucially, the book departs from a long-standing equation and a “disturbing elision” of Japanese Canadians with Japan and its military actions during the war (xxxiv). It shows that the history of Japanese Canadians is part of Canadian history in deeply complicated ways, for power brokers like Kimura were indispensable to the operation of Canadian law. Indeed, the history that the book narrates is one “more complex than stories of heroes and villains, oppressors, victims, and resistance” (xxxviii). However, one wonders whether or not the very effort to tell this story might have overshadowed discussion of the enduring connections and transnational networks to Japan and to Japanese history that immigrant and Canadian-born generations had made before the war and that they continued to maintain after the war. The book deals almost exclusively with the experiences of Japanese Canadians in Canada. This is one way of approaching the subject. However, it neglects the very real links with families, friends, and communities elsewhere in the world and across the Japanese empire. Written in an accessible language, Witness to Loss is thoughtfully organized, inclusive, and well-researched. Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, community members, and the general public interested in the history of Japanese Canadians, memory, race, and citizenship will all find bracing reflections, hopes, and challenges in this volume. yukari takai University of Windsor



至关重要的是,这本书背离了长期存在的方程式和日裔加拿大人对日本及其在战争期间的军事行动的“令人不安的选择”(xxxiv)。它表明,日裔加拿大人的历史以非常复杂的方式成为加拿大历史的一部分,因为像木村这样的权力经纪人对于加拿大法律的实施是必不可少的。确实,这本书叙述的历史是“比英雄和恶棍,压迫者,受害者和抵抗的故事还复杂”(xxxviii)。但是,有人想知道,讲这个故事的努力是否可能使关于移民和加拿大裔美国人在战前建立的与日本以及日本历史的持久联系和跨国网络以及在战争之后他们继续保持下去的讨论蒙上阴影。战争。这本书几乎只涉及日本加拿大人在加拿大的经历。这是接近主题的一种方式。但是,它忽略了与世界其他地方以及整个日本帝国的家人,朋友和社区的真正联系。《损失见证人》以通俗易懂的语言撰写,经过精心组织,包容和深入研究。对日本加拿大人的历史,记忆,种族和公民身份感兴趣的本科生和研究生,研究人员,社区成员和普通大众,在本册中都将找到深刻的思考,希望和挑战。yukari takai温莎大学 以及世界各地以及整个日本帝国的社区。《损失见证人》以通俗易懂的语言撰写,经过精心组织,包容和深入研究。对日本加拿大人的历史,记忆,种族和公民身份感兴趣的本科生和研究生,研究人员,社区成员和普通大众,在本册中都将找到深刻的思考,希望和挑战。yukari takai温莎大学 以及世界各地以及整个日本帝国的社区。《损失见证人》以通俗易懂的语言撰写,经过精心组织,包容和深入研究。对日本加拿大人的历史,记忆,种族和公民身份感兴趣的本科生和研究生,研究人员,社区成员和普通大众,在本册中都会找到深刻的思考,希望和挑战。yukari takai温莎大学