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Reforming State-Owned Enterprises in Vietnam: The Contrasting Cases of Vinashin and Viettel
Asian Perspective ( IF 0.774 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/apr.2017.0011
Nguyen Manh Hai , Michael O’Donnell

Abstract:State-owned enterprise (SOE) reform was introduced into Vietnam as a component of the Doi Moi economic reforms that began in 1986 and aimed to replace central planning with a more market-oriented economy. SOEs had performed poorly and were a drain on government resources. In this article we use a political economy framework to trace SOE reform through the various stages of policymaking and implementation. While the number of SOEs has been reduced, privatization (“equitization” in Vietnam) of large enterprises has proved more difficult as it has threatened the interests of powerful stakeholders. We use two case studies of large Vietnamese SOEs to demonstrate and explain both success and failure in SOE reform.


越南国有企业改革:Vinashin 和 Viettel 的对比案例

摘要:国有企业 (SOE) 改革作为 1986 年开始的 Doi Moi 经济改革的组成部分被引入越南,旨在以更加市场化的经济取代中央计划。国有企业表现不佳,消耗了政府资源。在本文中,我们使用一个政治经济学框架来追踪国企改革在政策制定和实施的各个阶段。虽然国有企业的数量减少了,但事实证明,大型企业的私有化(越南的“股权化”)更加困难,因为它威胁到了强大利益相关者的利益。我们使用越南大型国有企业的两个案例研究来展示和解释国有企业改革的成功和失败。