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Centralizing North Korean Policymaking under Kim Jong Un
Asian Perspective ( IF 0.774 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/apr.2019.0001
Patrick McEachern

Abstract:Following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in December 2011, Kim Jong Un assumed power and gradually transformed the policymaking environment in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea). While some analysts expected the young and inexperienced leader to face greater hardship than his father in managing the country, in this article I argue that Kim Jong Un faced an easier transition. Kim Jong Un inherited an economy, inter-Korean relationship, and strategic landscape in foreign affairs in a relatively favorable position relative to his father's formal succession. From this position of strength, Kim Jong Un has centralized governance in the Korean Workers' Party (KWP) and his personal leadership. Drawing on internal documents and media, I show that inter-institutional debate previously observable between the party, military, and government has largely vanished under Kim Jong Un and the political roles of the military and government have receded from a comprehensive set of national policy questions.



摘要:2011 年 12 月朝鲜领导人金正日去世后,金正恩上台并逐步改变了朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜或朝鲜)的决策环境。虽然一些分析人士预计这位年轻且缺乏经验的领导人在管理国家方面会比他的父亲面临更大的困难,但在本文中,我认为金正恩面临着更容易的过渡。金正恩继承了经济、朝韩关系和外交战略格局,相对于他父亲的正式继位而言处于相对有利的位置。从这个实力地位来看,金正恩在朝鲜劳动党(KWP)和他的个人领导中进行了集中治理。借鉴内部文件和媒体,