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Iyatayet Revisited: A Report on Renewed Investigations of a Stratified Middle-to-Late Holocene Coastal Campsite in Norton Sound, Alaska
Arctic Anthropology ( IF 1.211 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.3368/aa.55.1.1
Andrew H. Tremayne , Christyann M. Darwent , John Darwent , Kelly A. Eldridge , Jeffrey T. Rasic

The multicomponent middle-to-late Holocene coastal site of Iyatayet, at Cape Denbigh, Alaska, originally excavated by J. L. Giddings in the early 1950s, was key to developing a culture-historical sequence for northwest Alaska. We revisited the site in 2012 and 2013 to collect data to refine the occupation chronology and to test models of maritime-resource intensification. Our results show the Denbigh Flint complex occupations at Iyatayet are younger and briefer than previously believed. Gaps of 1,000 years separate the Denbigh, Norton, and Thule occupations, suggesting reduced use of eastern Norton Sound during these periods. Artifacts and faunal remains from each component indicate reduced mobility and increased focus on marine resources following the Denbigh period, but Norton occupants hunted the same suite of marine prey as the later Thule, demonstrating they were was equally proficient at foraging from the sea.



Iyatayet的多组分中晚期至新世沿岸站点位于阿拉斯加的登比格角,最初由JL Giddings于1950年代初期发掘,对于开发阿拉斯加西北部的文化历史序列至关重要。我们在2012年和2013年再次访问了该站点,以收集数据以完善职业年表并测试海洋资源集约化模型。我们的结果表明,Iyatayet的Denbigh Flint复杂职业比以前认为的年轻和简短。距离Denbigh,Norton和Thule的职业有1,000年的时间间隔,这表明在这些时期内减少了对Norton Sound东部地区的使用。在登比格时期之后,每个组成部分的人工制品和动物遗存表明活动能力下降,并且对海洋资源的关注度增加,但是诺顿的居民却追捕了与后来的图勒河相同的海洋猎物,