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Collective and Individual Memories: Narrations about the Transformations in the Nenets Society
Arctic Anthropology ( IF 1.211 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.3368/aa.54.1.22
Roza Laptander

The Tundra Nenets have a very well developed oral history tradition, and they use different ways to disseminate this knowledge and memories. This paper examines Nenets’ oral history within the transformation of collective and personal memories about early collectivization in the tundra under the Soviet regime. The Nenets are a flexible society and accommodated most of the external changes in their life without abandoning their nomadic life with reindeer on the tundra. However, even though Nenets elders speak quite positively about the time of Soviet collectivization, relocation, and industrialization in their homeland, it seems that they constantly try to conceal all negative memories and stories connected to tragic events of that time. In place of these memories, they create positive stories to tell young people that selectively edit out the negatives of the past.



Tundra Nenets有非常发达的口述历史传统,他们使用不同的方式来传播这种知识和记忆。本文考察了涅涅茨人在有关苏维埃政权的冻原上早期集体化的集体记忆和个人记忆转变过程中的口述历史。涅涅茨人社会是一个灵活的社会,它适应了生活中的大多数外部变化,却没有在冻原上放养驯鹿而放弃他们的游牧生活。然而,即使涅涅茨人的长者对苏联在其祖国的集体化,搬迁和工业化的时期发表了非常积极的看法,但似乎他们仍在不断地掩盖与那个悲惨事件有关的所有负面记忆和故事。代替这些记忆,