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Space and Mobility in Palestine by Julie Peteet
Anthropological Quarterly ( IF 0.853 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/anq.2019.0013
Livia Wick

J Peteet has worked for years with Palestinians over a large geographical and social expanse—from the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt), through Jordan, to Lebanon and its refugee camps. She has now published a book dealing with the political and personal consequences of restrictions placed on movement in the West Bank. In it, she analyzes the most striking aspect of the Palestinian natural and human landscape: the closure which divides the land into small spaces chopped up by checkpoints, barriers, a system of unequal identity cards, the Wall, permits, and other bureaucratic and physical impediments to people’s mobility. Her writing is the product of fieldwork conducted between 2004 and 2008, a time of continuing severe closure and repetitive clashes in villages near the Wall. In the introduction, she identifies her theoretical framework for studying Palestine as “a modern settler colonial context” (2). In the oPt, access to space, and therefore mobility, derives from racialized categories of ethnicity, religion, nationality, place of origin, and residency, as well as an expanding/contracting expanse (the former for newly installed Israelis, the latter for indigenous Palestinians). Zionism, she points out, is now ever more commonly seen as a form of settler colonialism in which land and water resources are expropriated for the use of the colonials while the indigenous population is either expelled or contained rather than, in classical colonial fashion, incorporated as a labor force. Indeed, the publication of this book and others in the field illustrates the shift in political and conceptual understandings of Palestine/Israel in the world academy from a “conflict” to a “settler colonial” focus. Endowed since 2011 with its own scholarly journal (Settler Colonial Studies), this classical field has


Julie Peteet 巴勒斯坦的空间和流动性

J Peteet 多年来一直与巴勒斯坦人合作,涉及的地域和社会范围非常广泛——从被占领的巴勒斯坦领土 (oPt),到约旦,再到黎巴嫩及其难民营。她现在出版了一本关于限制西岸行动的政治和个人后果的书。在其中,她分析了巴勒斯坦自然和人文景观最引人注目的方面:封锁将土地划分为被检查站、障碍物、不平等身份证系统、隔离墙、许可证以及其他官僚和实体分割的小空间。阻碍人们的流动。她的作品是 2004 年至 2008 年间实地考察的产物,当时隔离墙附近的村庄持续严重关闭和反复发生冲突。在介绍中,她将她研究巴勒斯坦的理论框架定义为“现代定居者殖民背景”(2)。在被占领土上,获得空间的机会以及由此产生的流动性源于种族、宗教、国籍、原籍地和居住地的种族分类,以及扩大/缩小的范围(前者适用于新安装的以色列人,后者适用于土著巴勒斯坦人)。她指出,犹太复国主义现在越来越普遍地被视为定居者殖民主义的一种形式,在这种形式中,土地和水资源被征用以供殖民者使用,而土著居民要么被驱逐,要么被收容,而不是按照经典的殖民方式,将其纳入作为劳动力。确实,这本书和该领域其他书籍的出版说明了世界学术界对巴勒斯坦/以色列的政治和概念理解从“冲突”转向“殖民者殖民”焦点的转变。自 2011 年以来,这个经典领域拥有自己的学术期刊(定居者殖民研究)