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Biblical Porn: Affect, Labor, and Pastor Mark Driscoll's Evangelical Empire by Jessica Johnson
Anthropological Quarterly ( IF 0.853 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/anq.2019.0039
Judith Casselberry

J Johnson has given us a fascinating, eye-opening, and somewhat horrifying ethnographic study of the rise and fall of Mark Driscoll’s Seattle-based Mars Hill Church. Driscoll merged the aesthetics and technologies of white, hipster, secular, 1990s Seattle with hyper-masculinized Christianity to grow his evangelical empire. According to the Mars Hill Visitors’ Guide, “The goal was to create a healthy body of believers in what was, at the time, the least-churched city in the least-churched state...[targeting] the least-churched demographic...college men and women in their late teens and early 20s” (22). Started in 1996 as a small Bible study and worship group, over the next 17 years, Mars Hill grew to 13,000 members distributed across 15 churches in five states before its implosion in 2014. While the Mars Hill goal of growth was realized for a time, Johnson’s text reveals the ways in which the church not only failed “to create a healthy body of believers,” but in fact left disillusioned, depressed, and spiritually abused (ex)members in its wake. Johnson links rhetorical and performative analysis of Driscoll’s sermons, writings, and social media presence with affect theory to unmask the biopower and biopolitics that shaped members’ (religious) conviction, sense of self, community, and leadership. The provocative title, Biblical Porn, speaks to “the affective labor of mediating, branding and embodying Driscoll’s teaching on ‘biblical’ masculinity, femininity, and sexuality as a social imaginary, marketing strategy, and biopolitical instrument” (7). Johnson argues that Mars Hill promoted a “sexualized culture” (12) that was built on Driscoll’s frequent and graphic references to sex in sermons and printed literature, as well as savvy use of social media to disseminate



J Johnson 对马克·德里斯科尔 (Mark Driscoll) 位于西雅图的火星山教堂 (Mars Hill Church) 的兴衰进行了一次引人入胜、令人大开眼界且有些恐怖的民族志研究。德里斯科尔将 1990 年代西雅图的白人、时髦、世俗的美学和技术与超级男性化的基督教相结合,以发展他的福音派帝国。根据火星山游客指南,“目标是在当时教会最少的州中教会最少的城市中建立一个健康的信徒团体……[目标]是教会最少的人口...十几岁和二十出头的大学男女”(22)。成立于 1996 年的小型圣经学习和敬拜小组,在接下来的 17 年中,Mars Hill 发展到 13,000 名成员,分布在五个州的 15 个教会,直到 2014 年爆发。 虽然 Mars Hill 的增长目标暂时实现了,约翰逊的文字揭示了教会不仅未能“创造出一个健康的信徒团体”,而且在此之后实际上留下了幻灭、沮丧和精神虐待(前)成员的方式。约翰逊将德里斯科尔的布道、著作和社交媒体存在的修辞和表演分析与情感理论联系起来,以揭示塑造成员(宗教)信念、自我意识、社区和领导力的生物权力和生物政治。挑衅性的标题,圣经色情,讲述了“中介、品牌化和体现德里斯科尔关于‘圣经’男性气质、女性气质和性作为一种社会想象、营销策略和生命政治工具的教导的情感劳动”(7)。