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The varied relationship between hypnosis and dissociative phenomena: Implications for traumatology
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis ( IF 0.694 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2020.1789545
Jonathan M Cleveland 1 , Bryan T Reuther 2 , Steven N Gold 3


Although metanalytic evidence exists to support the long-term efficacy of hypnotic interventions in the treatment of trauma, assertions that hypnosis may induce trauma or exacerbate existing posttraumatic reactions through activating dissociative processes seem to persist in some circles. While multiple studies have established that hypnotic induction produces dissociative phenomena, what has not yet been clearly explicated is the degree to which varieties of dissociative phenomena differentially elicited by hypnotic induction tend to skew toward the pathological or nonpathological end of the continuum of dissociation. The authors of the current study explore the connection between hypnotic susceptibility and facets of dissociation, employing the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility: A (HGSHS:A) and the State Scale of Dissociation (SSD). A significantly greater change in state dissociation was observed in their hypnosis condition as compared with a novel control condition (t (82) = 3.235, p =.002, d =.70), confirming that a relationship appears to exist between hypnosis and dissociation. A discussion of the differential effect of hypnosis on SSD subscales follows, specifically indicating less activation of the more putatively pathological facets, namely identity confusion and identity alteration. This finding may serve to assuage some concerns around the potential for iatrogenesis in working with traumatized patients.




尽管存在元分析证据支持催眠干预治疗创伤的长期疗效,但催眠可能通过激活分离过程诱发创伤或加剧现有创伤后反应的断言似乎在某些圈子中持续存在。虽然多项研究已经证实催眠诱导会产生解离现象,但尚未明确说明的是,催眠诱导不同程度地引发的各种解离现象倾向于向解离连续体的病理性或非病理性末端倾斜的程度。本研究的作者使用哈佛催眠易感性团体量表:A (HGSHS:A) 和状态分离量表 (SSD),探讨了催眠易感性与分离方面之间的联系。p =.002, d =.70),证实催眠和解离之间似乎存在某种关系。催眠对 SSD 分量表的不同影响的讨论如下,特别表明更推定的病理方面的激活较少,即身份混淆和身份改变。这一发现可能有助于缓解对治疗创伤患者时医源性的潜在担忧。
