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IGF-1 Influences Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Regulation of Puberty
Neuroendocrinology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1159/000514217
William L Dees 1 , Jill K Hiney 2 , Vinod K Srivastava 2

The pubertal process is initiated as a result of complex neuroendocrine interactions within the preoptic and hypothalamic regions of the brain. These interactions ultimately result in a timely increase in the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Researchers for years have believed that this increase is due to a diminished inhibitory tone which has applied a prepubertal brake on GnRH secretion, as well as to the gradual development of excitatory inputs driving the increased release of the peptide. Over the years, insulin-like growth factor -1 (IGF-1) has emerged as a prime candidate for playing an important role in the onset of puberty. This review will first present initial research demonstrating that IGF-1 increases in circulation as puberty approaches, is able to induce the release of prepubertal GnRH and can advance the timing of puberty. More recent findings depict an early action of IGF-1 to activate a pathway that releases the inhibitory brake on prepubertal GnRH secretion provided by dynorphin (DYN), as well as demonstrating that IGF-1 can also act later in the process to regulate the synthesis and release of kisspeptin (Kp), a potent stimulator of GnRH at puberty.


IGF-1 影响青春期促性腺激素释放激素的调节

由于大脑视前区和下丘脑区域内复杂的神经内分泌相互作用,青春期过程开始。这些相互作用最终导致促性腺激素释放激素 (GnRH) 分泌的及时增加。多年来,研究人员一直认为,这种增加是由于抑制性张力减弱,这对 GnRH 分泌施加了青春期前的制动,以及兴奋性输入的逐渐发展,从而推动了肽的释放增加。多年来,胰岛素样生长因子 -1 (IGF-1) 已成为在青春期开始中发挥重要作用的主要候选者。这篇综述将首先介绍初步研究,证明随着青春期临近,IGF-1 在循环中增加,能够诱导青春期前 GnRH 的释放,并可以提前青春期的时间。最近的研究结果描述了 IGF-1 的早期作用以激活释放由强啡肽 (DYN) 提供的青春期前 GnRH 分泌的抑制性制动的途径,并证明 IGF-1 也可以在该过程的后期发挥作用以调节合成并释放kisspeptin (Kp),这是青春期GnRH的强效刺激剂。