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Book Review: New England English: Large-Scale Acoustic Sociophonetics and Dialectology
Journal of English Linguistics ( IF 0.542 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1177/0075424220982344
Aaron Dinkin 1

The earliest of the great Linguistic Atlas Projects documenting regional varieties of twentieth century American English was the Linguistic atlas of New England (Kurath 1939; Kurath, Hanley, Bloch, Lowman & Hansen 1939–1943), published as three volumes of maps showing pronunciations elicited at hundreds of sites across the six New England states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The New England of the 1930s is thereby arguably the most dialectologically well-documented major region of American English. James Stanford’s new monograph, New England English: Large-scale acoustic sociophonetics and dialectology, is a worthy update to our knowledge about the dialectology of this complex and rapidly changing region.



记录二十世纪美国英语地区变体的伟大的语言图集项目中最早的是新英格兰语言图集(库拉特(Kurath)1939;库拉特,汉利,布洛赫,洛曼和汉森1939–1943),出版了三卷地图,显示了所引起的发音在新英格兰六个州(缅因州,新罕布什尔州,佛蒙特州,马萨诸塞州,罗德岛州和康涅狄格州)的数百个站点中分布。因此,可以说,1930年代的新英格兰地区是美国英语中方言学证据最丰富的主要地区。詹姆斯·斯坦福(James Stanford)的新专着《新英格兰英语:大规模的声学社会语音学和方言学》是对我们对这个复杂且瞬息万变的地区的方言学知识的了解的重要更新。