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Family influence on undergraduates’ career choice implementation
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance ( IF 1.928 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10775-020-09453-0
Jaisso Vautero , Ana Daniela Silva , Maria do Céu Taveira

This study examined the influence of family on career choice implementation, assuming that implementation can be assessed through goal progress and satisfaction, and that family influences the latter through perceived environmental supports or barriers and self-efficacy. Three hundred and twenty-three college students completed measures of family’ values and beliefs, expectations, financial and informational support, and of students’ perceived environmental support and barriers, academic self-efficacy, goal progress, and satisfaction. Path analysis results indicated that family values, expectations, and supports indirectly influence students’ choice implementation through supports and barriers and self-efficacy. Such influences should be considered in career interventions.



