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It’s Not Who You Know, It’s How You Think You Know Them: Suicide Exposure and Suicide Bereavement
The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child ( IF 0.333 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00797308.2017.1415066
Julie Cerel 1 , Rebecca L. Sanford 2

ABSTRACT Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death overall and the second leading cause of death for youth ages fifteen to twenty-four years old (Drapeau and McIntosh 2016). In 2015, 44,193 people died by suicide in the United States, and 5,900 of these deaths were youth between the ages of ten and twenty-four (Drapeau and McIntosh 2016). Each one of these deaths leaves behind a range of people who mourn the loss. Historically in the United States, the people left behind were referred to as suicide survivors, although recently the term has changed to suicide loss survivors. In this paper, we aim to describe research on suicide loss survivors, examine how many people are exposed to and affected by suicide, discuss the wide variety of people who are affected by suicide, and identify the ways in which suicide bereavement is unique. We then introduce the reader to the story of John Smith to illustrate the variety of children and adults who are exposed to a suicide in their family or community. The vignette examines the range of responses to suicide death and how responses vary not just on kinship but on the nature and perceptions of the relationship. Finally, the paper also includes clinical implications and considerations for clinicians working with those who have been affected by suicide death.



摘要自杀是十五至二十四岁青年的第十大死亡原因,也是第二大死亡原因(Drapeau and McIntosh 2016)。2015年,美国有44193人死于自杀,其中5900人为10岁至24岁之间的年轻人(Drapeau和McIntosh,2016年)。这些死亡中的每一个都会留下一系列哀悼损失者。从历史上看,在美国,留守的人被称为自杀幸存者,尽管最近该术语已更改为自杀丧失幸存者。在本文中,我们旨在描述对自杀损失幸存者的研究,调查有多少人受到自杀影响并受到自杀影响,讨论各种各样受自杀影响的人,并确定自杀丧亲的独特方式。然后,我们向读者介绍约翰·史密斯(John Smith)的故事,以说明在家庭或社区中遭受自杀的儿童和成人的种类。该小插图检查了自杀死亡的反应范围,以及反应不仅在血缘关系上而且在关系的性质和观念上如何变化。最后,本文还包括与受自杀死亡影响的临床医生一起工作的临床意义和考虑因素。