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Relationships with God among Young Adults: Validating a Measurement Model with Four Dimensions
Sociology of Religion ( IF 3.421 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-17 , DOI: 10.1093/socrel/srw012
Nicolette D. Manglos-Weber , Margarita A. Mooney , Kenneth A. Bollen , J. Micah Roos

Experiencing a relationship with God is widely acknowledged as an important aspect of personal religiosity for both affiliated and unaffiliated young adults, but surprisingly few attempts have been made to develop measures appropriate to its latent, multidimensional quality. This paper presents a new model for measuring relationships with God based on religious role theory, attachment to God theory, and insights from interview-based studies, which allows for a wider array of dimensions than have been considered in prior work: anger, anxiety, intimacy, and consistency. To test our model’s internal validity, we use confirmatory factor analysis with nationally representative data. To test its external validity, we (1) use difference-in-means tests across gender, race/ethnicity, geographical region, and religious affiliation; and (2) analyze correlations between our four new dimensions and four other commonly used measures of religiosity, thereby demonstrating both our model’s validity and value for future studies of personal religiosity.



体验与上帝的关系被广泛认为是附属和非附属年轻人个人宗教信仰的一个重要方面,但令人惊讶的是,很少有人尝试制定适合其潜在的多维质量的措施。本文基于宗教角色理论、对上帝的依恋理论和基于访谈的研究的见解,提出了一种衡量与上帝关系的新模型,该模型考虑到了比以前工作中考虑的更广泛的维度:愤怒、焦虑、亲密感和一致性。为了测试我们模型的内部有效性,我们使用具有全国代表性的数据进行验证性因素分析。为了测试其外部有效性,我们 (1) 使用跨性别、种族/民族、地理区域和宗教信仰的均值差异检验;