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Things Are the Way They Are: A Typology of Reification
Sociological Perspectives ( IF 1.780 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0731121420921891
Ryan Gunderson 1

This project clarifies the notoriously ambiguous concept of reification through analytical descriptions of reificatory modes of experience in social context. The experience of social constructions as fixed and unchangeable (“subjective reification”) is manifest in four interrelated experiential modes: (1) doxa, taking the social world for granted; (2) identification, experiencing abstractions as realer than particular objects; (3) enframing, the experience of means (technology and economic production) as ends and ends (humanity and life) as means; and (4) detachment, experience after suspending genuine emotional engagement. Each experiential mode is rooted in historically contingent yet objective social conditions (“objective reification”) and, thus, has a degree of validity – hence the power of reification, in comparison to legitimation, in social reproduction. Methodologically, the difficult path remains theorizing society as a totality without losing sight of its human formation with due attention to the everyday actors who reproduce and, every so often, challenge this totality.



该项目通过对社会背景中体验的具体化模式的分析描述,澄清了臭名昭著的模糊概念。社会建构作为固定不变(“主观物化”)的体验体现在四种相互关联的体验模式中:(1)doxa,将社会世界视为理所当然;(2) 认同,体验比特定对象更真实的抽象;(3) 框架化,将手段(技术和经济生产)的体验作为目的,将目的(人类和生活)作为手段;(4)超然,暂停真正的情感投入后的体验。每种体验模式都植根于历史上偶然但客观的社会条件(“客观具体化”),因此具有一定程度的有效性——因此,与合法化相比,具体化的力量,在社会再生产中。在方法论上,艰难的道路仍然是将社会作为一个整体进行理论化,同时又不忽视人类的形成,并适当关注那些繁衍并时常挑战整体的日常行动者。