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Hard Times: Routine Schedule Unpredictability and Material Hardship among Service Sector Workers
Social Forces ( IF 5.866 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1093/sf/soaa079
Daniel Schneider 1 , Kristen Harknett 2

American policymakers have long focused on work as a key means to improve economic wellbeing Yet, work has become increasingly precarious and polarized This precarity is manifest in low wages but also in unstable and unpredictable work schedules that often vary significantly week to week with little advance notice We draw on new survey data from The Shift Project on 37,263 hourly retail and food service workers in the United States We assess the association between routine unpredictability in work schedules and household material hardship Using both cross-sectional models and panel models, we find that workers who receive shorter advanced notice, those who work on-call, those who experience last minute shift cancellation and timing changes, and those with more volatile work hours are more likely to experience hunger, residential, medical, and utility hardships as well as more overall hardship Just-in-time work schedules afford employers a great deal of flexibility but at a heavy cost to workers’ economic security



美国政策制定者长期以来一直将工作作为改善经济福祉的关键手段然而,工作变得越来越不稳定和两极分化这种不稳定体现在低工资上,也体现在不稳定和不可预测的工作日程上,这些工作日程通常每周都有很大的变化,几乎没有提前通知我们利用 The Shift Project 中对美国 37,263 名小时零售和食品服务工人的新调查数据 我们评估了工作日程中日常不可预测性与家庭物质困难之间的关联 使用横截面模型和面板模型,我们发现工人提前通知时间较短的人、随叫随到工作的人、最后一刻取消班次和时间变化的人以及工作时间更不稳定的人更有可能经历饥饿、住宅、医疗、和公用事业困难以及更全面的困难 及时的工作时间表为雇主提供了很大的灵活性,但对工人的经济安全造成了沉重的代价