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The role of religious fundamentalism and tightness-looseness in promoting collective narcissism and extreme group behavior.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality ( IF 3.673 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1037/rel0000269
Whinda Yustisia , Idhamsyah Eka Putra , Christopher Kavanagh , Harvey Whitehouse , Any Rufaedah

The present study aims to understand the roles of religious fundamentalism and collective narcissism in predicting extreme behavior. It was hypothesized that religious fundamentalism may enhance collective narcissism and that this would in turn increase the tendency to endorse extreme behavior. It was also anticipated that perceptions of social tightness would moderate the indirect effect of religious fundamentalism on extreme behavior through collective narcissism. To test the hypotheses, we collected data from 788 members of Islamic religious groups in Indonesia (Male= 457, Female= 325), ages ranged from 17 to 52 (M= 25.14, SD= 8.49). Supporting the hypotheses, our findings demonstrated the validity of the expected pathways, confirming that it is important to consider the role of collective narcissism and tightnesslooseness when studying relationships between religious fundamentalism and extreme behavior. In particular, our findings demonstrate that there is a away for religious fundamentalists not to support for extreme behavior when they can have looseness culture, through which it can lower are low either in the level of collective narcissism or tightness.



本研究旨在了解宗教原教旨主义和集体自恋在预测极端行为中的作用。据推测,宗教原教旨主义可能会增强集体自恋,这反过来又会增加支持极端行为的倾向。人们还预计,对社会紧张的看法将通过集体自恋来缓和宗教原教旨主义对极端行为的间接影响。为了验证假设,我们收集了印度尼西亚伊斯兰宗教团体的 788 名成员(男性 = 457,女性 = 325)的数据,年龄介于 17 至 52 岁之间(M = 25.14,SD = 8.49)。支持假设,我们的发现证明了预期途径的有效性,确认在研究宗教原教旨主义与极端行为之间的关系时,考虑集体自恋和松散的作用很重要。特别是,我们的研究结果表明,当宗教原教旨主义者可以拥有松散文化时,他们有可能不支持极端行为,通过这种方式可以降低集体自恋或紧张的程度。