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All But Dissertation (ABD), All But Parricide (ABP): Young Adulthood as a Developmental Period and the Crisis of Separation.
Psychoanalytic Psychology ( IF 1.591 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1037/pap0000128
Christopher Bonovitz

In this paper, the author examines young adulthood as a developmental stage in its own right and as distinct from adolescence. The author describes the tasks and various factors that contextualize young adulthood and highlights a common developmental crisis that young adults often experience with regard to achieving self-responsibility and individuation. Drawing on Loewald’s seminal work in understanding the process of individuation and the mutual dimension to the act of parricide, attention is given to those young adult patients who struggle with committing this symbolic murder of the parent/analyst, especially when confronted with a narcissistically vulnerable parent who is unable to allow him or herself to be “killed off.” A detailed case is presented in which analyst and patient collude to avoid the act of parricide, and the complicated enactments that ensue as a result.


All But Dissertation (ABD), All But Parricide (ABP):青年时期作为发展时期和分离危机。

在这篇论文中,作者将年轻的成年期视为一个独立的发展阶段,并与青春期截然不同。作者描述了青年时期的任务和各种因素,并强调了青年人在实现自我责任和个性化方面经常经历的共同发展危机。借鉴 Loewald 在理解个体化过程和弑亲行为的相互维度方面的开创性工作,关注那些为对父母/分析师进行这种象征性谋杀而挣扎的年轻成年患者,尤其是在面对自恋脆弱的父母时谁不能让他或她自己被“杀死”。提供了一个详细的案例,其中分析师和患者串通以避免杀戮行为,