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The impact of environmental threats on controlling parenting and children’s motivation.
Journal of Family Psychology ( IF 3.302 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1037/fam0000657
Jean-Michel Robichaud , Mélodie Roy , Francis Ranger , Geneviève A. Mageau

Past studies looking at antecedents of controlling parenting revealed an association between parents' use of these detrimental practices and their perceptions of the environment as threatening for their children. However, the causal impact of environmental threats on controlling practices remained to be assessed. This study filled this gap using an experimental design and a sample of 101 children (Mage = 10.21 years) and their mothers. We manipulated mothers' perceptions of environmental threats, subsequently asked them to help their children complete a task in a guided learning setting, and obtained multi-informant observational measures of maternal controlling practices during this interaction. Results first showed that mothers with a high (but not low) controlling style were coded by an independent observer as significantly more controlling in the threat condition than in the control condition. Results also revealed that mothers in the threat condition were perceived by their children as significantly more controlling than mothers in the control condition, regardless of their controlling style. Path analyses then showed that coded maternal practices predicted children's perceptions of maternal controlling practices, which in turn were associated with higher levels of controlled motivation in children. Examining indirect effects also revealed a significant link from environmental threats to children's controlled motivation, via perceived maternal controlling practices. Contributions of these results to the literature on parenting are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).



过去有关控制育儿的先例的研究表明,父母对这些有害习俗的使用与他们对环境的威胁对孩子的威胁之间存在关联。但是,环境威胁对控制措施的因果影响仍有待评估。这项研究使用实验设计和101名儿童(年龄= 10.21岁)及其母亲的样本填补了这一空白。我们操纵了母亲对环境威胁的理解,随后要求他们帮助孩子在有指导的学习环境中完成任务,并在这种互动中获得对产妇控制措施的多信息观察性措施。结果首先表明,具有高(但不是低)控制方式的母亲被独立观察员编码为,在威胁条件下比在控制条件下有更大的控制力。结果还表明,处于威胁状态的母亲被孩子认为比处于控制状态的母亲要强得多,无论他们的控制方式如何。然后,路径分析表明,编码的产妇行为可以预测儿童对产妇控制行为的看法,而这又与儿童较高的受控动机水平有关。检查间接影响还表明,通过感知的母亲控制行为,环境威胁与儿童的控制动机之间存在着重要联系。讨论了这些结果对育儿文献的贡献。(PsycInfo数据库记录(c)2020 APA,保留所有权利)。