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Discharge, Disposal, and Death: Outcomes for Child Inmates of the Scottish National Institution, Larbert, and Stanley Hall, Wakefield, to 1913
Journal of Family History ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0363199019865918
Iain Hutchison 1 , Dee Hoole 2

This article surveys end experiences at two mental institutions catering specifically for young people up to 1913: the Scottish National Institution, Larbert, and Stanley Hall, Wakefield. The two establishments differed in the types of children received and in their time spans of operation before changes to the mental deficiency acts in Scotland and England in 1913. The aims and ethos of the two institutions are discussed, followed by exploration of removal of children from asylum registers. “Success” levels claimed by both institutions are considered by surveying outcomes upon discharge but tempered in acknowledging removal of children from registers through their deaths.



本文调查了两个专门为1913年以前的年轻人设计的心理机构的最终体验:苏格兰国家机构Larbert和韦克菲尔德的Stanley Hall。在1913年苏格兰和英格兰的精神缺陷行为发生变化之前,这两个机构在接收儿童的类型和操作时间方面有所不同。讨论了这两个机构的目的和精神,然后探讨了将儿童从中解救出来的方法。庇护登记册。通过调查出院时的结果来考虑两个机构都声称的“成功”水平,但在承认儿童因死亡而被从登记册中移走时要谨慎。