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Optimizing the Distribution of Pharmacy-Dispensed Naloxone Using Spatial Mapping Techniques in Rural Areas
Journal of Drug Issues ( IF 1.670 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0022042620945673
Somalee Banerjee 1, 2

With the worsening opioid epidemic, recent changes allow pharmacies to sell naloxone through standing orders to reverse opioid overdoses. This study assesses direct dispensed naloxone availability through pharmacy chains in California in 2016, and utilizes spatial analysis techniques to suggest optimal stocking of naloxone. Rural counties were less likely to have a pharmacy selling naloxone even though overdose death rates were higher in rural counties (odds ratio [OR] = 0.225; 95% confidence interval [CI] = [0.059, 0.854]). Pharmacies closest to the center of the population in these rural counties were identified as ideal stocking locations. Rural counties with high overdose death rates have the lowest rates of naloxone, but spatial analysis can determine pre-existing chain pharmacies that can stock naloxone.



随着阿片类药物流行的恶化,最近的变化允许药店通过长期订单销售纳洛酮,以扭转阿片类药物过量服用的情况。本研究评估了 2016 年加利福尼亚州药房连锁店直接分发的纳洛酮的可用性,并利用空间分析技术来建议纳洛酮的最佳库存。尽管农村县的药物过量死亡率较高,但农村县的药房销售纳洛酮的可能性较小(优势比 [OR] = 0.225;95% 置信区间 [CI] = [0.059, 0.854])。在这些农村县,离人口中心最近的药店被确定为理想的放养地点。过量用药死亡率高的农村县的纳洛酮率最低,但空间分析可以确定可以储存纳洛酮的现有连锁药店。