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Do Writing Errors Bother Professionals? An Analysis of the Most Bothersome Errors and How the Writer’s Ethos is Affected
Journal of Business and Technical Communication ( IF 2.109 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/1050651920910205
Carolyn Gubala 1 , Kara Larson 1 , Lisa Melonçon 1

This study asks whether grammatical and mechanical errors bother business professionals, which of these types of errors are most bothersome, and whether such errors affect perceptions of the writer and their ethos. We administered a 17-question survey to roughly 100 business professionals whose roles are not primarily writing and communication within organizations. The findings show that business professionals are bothered by these errors and that the level of bothersomeness has increased from previous studies. Additionally, the findings show that participants have clear views of writers who make errors and that the context of the error matters. The authors conclude by offering implications for technical and professional communication.



本研究询问语法和机械错误是否困扰商务专业人士,这些类型的错误中哪些最令人困扰,以及此类错误是否影响作者的看法及其精神。我们对大约 100 名业务专业人士进行了一项包含 17 个问题的调查,这些专业人士的职责主要不是组织内部的写作和沟通。调查结果表明,商业专业人士对这些错误感到困扰,而且与之前的研究相比,困扰的程度有所增加。此外,调查结果表明,参与者对犯错的作者有明确的看法,并且错误的背景很重要。作者最后提供了对技术和专业交流的影响。