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Nightmare experience and personality disorder functioning styles in healthy volunteers and nightmare disorder patients
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic ( IF 1.476 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1521/bumc.2020.84.3.278
Xu Shao 1, 2 , Chu Wang 2 , Chanchan Shen 1, 2 , Yanli Jia 3 , Wei Wang 4

Nightmares are prevalent in psychiatric disorders, and personality disorder features might be associated with nightmare experience, especially in nightmare disorder patients. The authors invited 219 healthy volunteers and 118 nightmare disorder patients to undergo tests of the Nightmare Experience Questionnaire (NEQ), the Parker Personality Measure (PERM), and the Plutchik-van Praag Depression Inventory. Compared to healthy volunteers, nightmare disorder patients scored significantly higher on annual nightmare frequency and NEQ Physical Effect, Negative Emotion, Meaning Interpretation, and Horrible Stimulation, and higher on PERM Paranoid, Schizotypal, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, and Dependent styles. Borderline, Schizotypal, and Passive-Aggressive styles in healthy volunteers and Dependent, Avoidant, Histrionic, and Paranoid in patients were significant predictors of some NEQ scales. Higher annual nightmare frequency, higher scale scores of nightmare experience and personality disorder styles, and more associations between the two were found in nightmare disorder patients, implying the need for personality-adjustment therapy for nightmare disorder.



噩梦在精神疾病中很普遍,人格障碍特征可能与梦m经历有关,尤其是在梦night症患者中。作者邀请了219名健康志愿者和118名梦m症患者接受了梦m体验问卷(NEQ),帕克人格测评(PERM)和Plutchik-van Praag抑郁量表的测试。与健康志愿者相比,梦night症患者在年度梦night频率和NEQ物理作用,负性情绪,意义解释和可怕刺激方面的得分显着更高,在PERM偏执狂,精神分裂症,边界,组织学,自恋,回避和依恋风格方面得分更高。健康志愿者中的边界线,分裂型和被动攻击型以及依赖的,回避的,组织学的,患者的偏执狂和偏执狂是某些NEQ量表的重要预测指标。在梦m症患者中发现更高的年度梦night频率,更高的梦m体验分数和人格障碍样式,以及两者之间的关联性更高,这意味着需要针对梦night症进行人格调整治疗。