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Perspectives on Work and Work-Related Challenges Among Asian Americans With Psychiatric Disabilities.
Asian American Journal of Psychology ( IF 1.797 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1037/aap0000085
Uma Chandrika Millner , Min Kim

Employment has been established as an important component of recovery from psychiatric disabilities, but little is known about the perspectives and experiences of working among ethnic minority populations, such as Asian Americans. Asian Americans with psychiatric disabilities have been largely underrepresented in the academic literature on recovery from mental illness and finding meaningful roles in the community. We developed the Meaning of Work Scale to compare the perspectives of Asian Americans with psychiatric disabilities (n = 53) regarding work with those of White Americans with psychiatric disabilities (n = 96). We further explored the perspectives of Asian American individuals (n = 53) regarding work using an open-ended qualitative questions. Data comparing the 2 groups were analyzed using t tests while qualitative data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology. The results revealed significant differences in the intrinsic meaning of work between White Americans and Asian Americans. Major themes derived from qualitative results included barriers that affect work, cultural values and expectations that influence work, and helpful strategies, services, and supports to deal with work-related challenges. These findings have important implications for providers of clinical and rehabilitation services working with Asian Americans diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities.



就业已被确立为精神残疾康复的重要组成部分,但对于在亚裔美国人等少数族裔人群中工作的观点和经验知之甚少。在关于从精神疾病中康复和在社区中找到有意义的角色的学术文献中,患有精神障碍的亚裔美国人在很大程度上被低估了。我们开发了工作意义量表来比较患有精神疾病的亚裔美国人(n = 53)与患有精神疾病的美国白人(n = 96)对工作的看法。我们使用开放式定性问题进一步探讨了亚裔美国人(n = 53)对工作的看法。使用 t 检验分析比较两组的数据,而使用扎根理论方法分析定性数据。结果显示,美国白人和亚裔美国人工作的内在意义存在显着差异。从定性结果得出的主要主题包括影响工作的障碍、影响工作的文化价值观和期望,以及应对工作相关挑战的有用策略、服务和支持。这些发现对与被诊断患有精神障碍的亚裔美国人合作的临床和康复服务提供者具有重要意义。从定性结果得出的主要主题包括影响工作的障碍、影响工作的文化价值观和期望,以及应对工作相关挑战的有用策略、服务和支持。这些发现对与被诊断患有精神障碍的亚裔美国人合作的临床和康复服务提供者具有重要意义。从定性结果得出的主要主题包括影响工作的障碍、影响工作的文化价值观和期望,以及应对工作相关挑战的有用策略、服务和支持。这些发现对与被诊断患有精神障碍的亚裔美国人合作的临床和康复服务提供者具有重要意义。