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Does Emotion Regulation Moderate the Discrimination-Adjustment Link for Adopted Korean American Adolescents?
Asian American Journal of Psychology ( IF 1.797 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1037/aap0000081
Yekun Qin , Adam Y. Kim , Jenny C. Su , Alison W. Hu , Richard M. Lee

Growing up in a White family does not necessarily protect internationally adopted Korean Americans raised in White families from the pernicious effects of discrimination. Emotion regulation strategies may buffer the effects of discrimination on psychological adjustment, yet little research has been conducted on these links. To fill this gap, we examined the relationship between emotion regulation, discrimination and psychological adjustment in a sample of adopted Korean American adolescents (N = 115). Using both parent and adopted child reports across 2 waves of data (7 years apart), we addressed 2 questions. First, what are the different emotion regulation profiles and how do they correspond to psychological adjustment? Second, controlling for adjustment in childhood, do these emotion regulation profiles moderate the association between discrimination and psychological adjustment? We found 3 distinct profiles using cluster analysis: high reappraisal/low suppression (HR/LS), high reappraisal/moderate suppression (HR/MS), and moderate reappraisal/moderate suppression (MR/MS). The HR/LS profile showed the best adjustment, whereas the MR/MS profile reported the most adjustment problems. However, emotion regulation profiles did not moderate the association between perceived discrimination and psychological adjustment.



在白人家庭中长大并不一定能保护在白人家庭中长大的国际收养的韩裔美国人免受歧视的有害影响。情绪调节策略可能会缓冲歧视对心理调整的影响,但对这些联系的研究很少。为了填补这一空白,我们在收养的韩裔美国青少年样本(N = 115)中检查了情绪调节、歧视和心理调整之间的关系。使用父母和领养子女报告的 2 波数据(相隔 7 年),我们解决了 2 个问题。首先,有哪些不同的情绪调节谱,它们如何对应于心理调节?第二,控制童年的调整,这些情绪调节模式是否会缓和歧视和心理调整之间的关联?我们使用聚类分析发现了 3 个不同的配置文件:高重新评估/低抑制 (HR/LS)、高重新评估/中度抑制 (HR/MS) 和中度重新评估/中度抑制 (MR/MS)。HR/LS 曲线显示出最佳调整,而 MR/MS 曲线报告了最多的调整问题。然而,情绪调节概况并没有缓和感知歧视与心理调整之间的关联。而 MR/MS 配置文件报告的调整问题最多。然而,情绪调节概况并没有缓和感知歧视与心理调整之间的关联。而 MR/MS 配置文件报告的调整问题最多。然而,情绪调节概况并没有缓和感知歧视与心理调整之间的关联。