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Contributions to melissopalynology studies in southern Brazil: pollen analysis in the honeys from Apis mellifera, Tetragonisca angustula, Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, Scaptotrigona bipunctata, Plebeia remota and Plebeia droryana
Palynology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2020.1869113
Jefferson Nunes Radaeski 1 , Soraia Girardi Bauermann 1


Little information about the contribution of plants to the production of honey by bees exists for southern Brazil. Information on this dynamic is crucial to maintaining the health of bees, the pollination of forests and assisting in the management of apiaries and meliponaries. The objective of the study was to elucidate which plants the bees visit for the production of honey in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), southern Brazil. 43 honey samples were selected from Apis mellifera, Tetragonisca angustula, Melipona quadrifasciata, Scaptotrigona bipunctata, Plebeia remota and Plebeia droryana. The honey samples were submitted to acetolysis. 110 pollen types were found in all honey samples from bees of Apis mellifera (97 pollen types), Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata (14 pollen types), Tetragonisca angustula (46 pollen types), Scaptotrigona bipunctata (8 pollen types), Plebeia remota (17 pollen types) and Plebeia droryana (8 pollen types). The high pollen percentage of tree species in the samples stands out, ranging from 16.8% to 99.8%. The samples were grouped into seven groups by CONISS, called Melis-1, Melis-2, Melis-3, Melis-4, Melis-5, Melis-6 and Melis 7, and these are related to the floral resources of the studied bees. Some pollen types showed high percentages in honeys from Apis mellifera (pollen types of Eucalyptus sp. Myrcia type, Casearia sylvestris, Hovenia dulcis, Mimosa scabrella, Lamanonia ternata, Clethra scabra, Baccharis type and Weinmannia paulliniifolia), Tetragonisca angustula (pollen types of Eryngium sp./Petroselinum crispum, Handroanthus sp., Sorocea bonplandii and Parapiptadenia rigida), Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata (pollen types of Myrcia type, Eucalyptus sp. and Mimosa bimucronata), Scaptotrigona bipunctata (pollen types of Allophylus edulis, Butia type and Parapiptadenia rigida), Plebeia remota (pollen types of Myrcia type, Butia type and Sebastiania sp.) and Plebeia droryana (pollen types of Myrcia type). The different types of vegetation in RS accounts for the different pollen spectra in honeys from southern Brazil.


对巴西南部蜂花粉研究的贡献:对来自蜜蜂蜂、Tetragonisca angustula、Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata、Scaptotrigona bipunctata、Plebeia remota 和 Plebeia droryana 蜂蜜的花粉分析


巴西南部几乎没有关于植物对蜜蜂生产蜂蜜的贡献的信息。有关这种动态的信息对于维持蜜蜂的健康、森林的授粉以及协助管理养蜂场和蜜蜂至关重要。该研究的目的是阐明蜜蜂访问巴西南部南里奥格兰德 (RS) 的哪些植物以生产蜂蜜。从选择43个蜂蜜样品西方蜜蜂Tetragonisca angustulaMelipona quadrifasciataScaptotrigona蚕荔枝草remota荔枝草droryana. 将蜂蜜样品进行乙酰化。110种花粉类型的所有蜜样品中发现从蜜蜂意大利蜜蜂(97种花粉类型),Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata(14种花粉类型),Tetragonisca angustula(46种花粉类型),Scaptotrigona蚕(8种花粉类型),荔枝草remota(17花粉类型)和Plebeia droryana(8 种花粉类型)。样本中树种的高花粉百分比尤为突出,从 16.8% 到 99.8% 不等。CONISS将样品分为7组,分别称为Melis-1、Melis-2、Melis-3、Melis-4、Melis-5、Melis-6和Melis 7,这些与被研究蜜蜂的花卉资源有关. 一些花粉类型在来自蜜蜂的蜂蜜中显示出高百分比(桉树属的花粉类型。Myrcia型、Casearia sylvestrisHovenia dulcisMimosa scabrellaLamanonia ternataClethra scabraBaccharis型和Weinmannia paulliniiTetragonisca angustula(花粉类型的sp./欧芹Handroanthus属,Sorocea bonplandiiParapiptadenia杜松),Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata(花粉类型的Myrcia类型,桉树属和含羞草bimucronata),Scaptotrigona蚕(花粉类型的异木患属贻贝, Butia型和Parapiptadeniarigida ) , Plebeia remota ( Myrcia型, Butia型和Sebastiania 的花粉类型sp.) 和Plebeia droryanaMyrcia类型的花粉类型)。RS中不同类型的植被导致了巴西南部蜂蜜中不同的花粉光谱。
