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Trip route simulation for pre-Qin settlements based on a gradient descent and variable-neighborhood ant colony optimization algorithm in the Linfen Basin, China
Earth Science Informatics ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s12145-020-00556-4
Fang Liu , Lijun Yu , Jianfeng Zhu , Yueping Nie , Yu Sun

A travel or transport path reflects the settlement pattern and the spread of civilization. Travel simulations of the pre-Qin period of the Central Plains of China can deepen our understanding of the origin and development of Chinese civilization. Here, based on the idea of swarm intelligence, an ant colony optimization algorithm based on gradient descent and variable-neighborhood search (GD-VNSACO) methods is proposed to simulate the travel routes of ancestors. We simulate the process of humans gradually exploring the surrounding space and obtaining experience and inspiration in four cultural periods from 7 to 2.7 ka B.P. (including the Yangshao Period, Miaodigou II Period, Longshan Period and Xia Shang and Zhou Period). The GD-VNSACO algorithm is suitable for studying settlement travel because of its improved search ability and convergence speed based on local and overall optimization. We conclude that in the four periods, the high-density routes of transport were concentrated along the Fen River, forming a main line from north to south. Over time, high-density areas of transport and communication among settlements, as well as the transport scope, expanded. However, there was an abnormality in the Miaodigou II Period, which was mainly caused by the climate becoming dryer and colder.



旅行或运输路径反映了定居方式和文明的传播。中原先秦时期的旅行模拟可以加深我们对中华文明起源和发展的了解。在此基础上,基于群体智能的思想,提出了一种基于梯度下降和邻域可变搜索(GD-VNSACO)方法的蚁群优化算法来模拟祖先的旅行路线。我们模拟了人类逐步探索周围空间并在7至2.7 ka BP的四个文化时期(包括仰韶时期,庙底沟II时期,龙山时期以及夏商周时期)获得经验和灵感的过程。GD-VNSACO算法由于基于局部和整体优化的改进的搜索能力和收敛速度,因此适合研究定居旅行。我们得出的结论是,在这四个时期中,高密度的运输路线沿concentrated河集中,形成了一条由北向南的干线。随着时间的流逝,定居点之间高密度的运输和通讯领域以及运输范围不断扩大。然而,庙底沟二期出现异常,主要是由于气候变得干燥和寒冷。以及运输范围的扩大。然而,庙底沟二期出现异常,主要是由于气候变得干燥和寒冷。以及运输范围的扩大。然而,庙底沟二期出现异常,主要是由于气候变得干燥和寒冷。
