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(2787) Proposal to conserve the name Graffenrieda against Centronia (Melastomataceae: Merianieae)
TAXON ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12401
Jhon S. Murillo‐Serna 1 , Fabián A. Michelangeli 2 , Fernando Alzate‐Guarin 1

(2787) Graffenrieda DC., Prodr. 3: 105. Mar (med.) 1828 [Melastomat.], nom. cons. prop.

Typus: G. rotundifolia (Bonpl.) DC. (Rhexia rotundifolia Bonpl.).

(=) Centronia D. Don in Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 284, 314. 1823 (post 17 Mai), nom. rej. prop.

Typus: C. laurifolia D. Don.

Phylogenetic analyses of the tribe Merianieae (Melastomataceae) have shown that the type of Centronia D. Don is resolved within Graffenrieda DC., which is otherwise resolved as monophyletic (Dellinger & al. in New Phytol. 221: 1136–1149. 2018, in Commun. Biol. 2: 453. 2019; Caetano & al. in Perspect. Pl. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 46: 125556. 2020; Reginato & al. in Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 148: 106815. 2020). Centronia has long been considered a genus with problematic delimitations, especially when compared with Graffenrieda and Meriania Sw. (Wurdack in Lasser, Fl. Venezuela 8: 226. 1973, in Phytologia 35: 1–13. 1976; Almeda in Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 48: 141–152. 1993; Mendoza & Fernández in Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid. 69: 259–294. 2012). To date, 21 species names have been validly published in Centronia. However, only five, including the type, C. laurifolia D. Don, are currently accepted in the genus as the remaining have been transferred to Meriania (Wurdack, l.c. 1976, in Brittonia 39: 159–164. 1987; Almeda, l.c. 1993; Mendoza & Fernández, l.c.) or synonymized under Meriania or Wurdastom B. Walln. (Melastomataceae: Cyphostyleae) (Mendoza & Fernández, l.c.; Mendoza in Acta Bot. Mex. 127: e1642. 2020). The five species currently recognized in Centronia are distributed in the Andes from Colombia to Peru, or the Guayana Shield in Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil, with all of them having been rarely collected from very restricted populations (Don in Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 314–315. 1822; Triana in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 28: 71–72. 1873; Macbride in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13: 326–328. 1941; Wurdack in Bot. Mus. Leafl. 18: 160–166. 1958, in Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10: 135–186. 1964, l.c. 1973; Berry & al., Fl. Venez. Guayana 6: 263–528. 2001; Baumgratz & al., Catal. Pl. Fung. Brasil 2: 1236–1278. 2010; Almeda & al., Catal. Pl. Líquen. Colombia: 1585–1664. 2016). Graffenrieda, on the other hand, includes ca. 70 recognized species from 88 validly published species and infraspecies names, and it has a wider distribution (and often more numerous herbarium collections) from southern Mexico and the Antilles to Bolivia and Brazil (Almeda in Davidse & al., Fl. Mesoamer. 4: 164–337. 2009; Goldenberg & Meirelles in Syst. Bot. 36: 119–123. 2011; Michelangeli & Goldenberg in Brittonia 66: 170–173. 2013; Michelangeli & Ulloa in Phytotaxa 77: 43–48. 2013; Almeda & al. in Phytotaxa 163: 39–47. 2014; Lima & al. in Kew Bull. 72: 47. 2017; Murillo & al. in Phytotaxa 391: 131–137. 2019).

Centronia is distinguished from other genera in the Merianieae by the combination of large flowers, calyptrate calyx, and anthers with a dorsal connective appendage (Wurdack, l.c. 1973). The presence of a second dorsal connective appendage has also been associated with species of Centronia (Wurdack, l.c. 1973), but while this character is present in many of the species formerly treated in this genus, it is notoriously absent in the type and a few other species. Graffenrieda also has anthers with dorsal connective appendages and usually smaller flowers. While most species of Graffenrieda have a calyx opening by separate lobes, some species do have a calyptrate calyx, and many species with this character had been previously placed in Calyptrella Naudin, but they are all now treated in Graffenrieda (Williams in Fieldiana, Bot. 29: 562–564. 1963; Goldenberg & Meirelles, l.c.). Thus, based on both molecular data and morphological characters, there is no doubt of the position of Centronia laurifolia within Graffenrieda. Of the remaining four species in Centronia not yet included in molecular phylogenetic analyses, one (C. sessilifolia Cogn.) may be better placed in Meriania, while the other three have staminal characters consistent with Graffenrieda (Wurdack, l.c. 1976; Mendoza & Fernández, l.c.).

Following nomenclatural priority, 70 species of Graffenrieda would require new combinations or new names in Centronia in order to achieve monophyletic genera. Because Graffenrieda is more widely distributed and many species are locally common, many tropical botanists and Melastomataceae specialists are familiar with this genus, while the knowledge and distribution of Centronia is more limited. Moreover, the concept of Centronia has probably been more closely associated with species now in Meriania, even if the type has characters that place it together with Graffenrieda.

In summary, the conservation of Graffenrieda in favor of Centronia would significantly reduce the number of necessary new combinations or new names (from 70 to at most 4), and the number of specimens affected in herbaria. This action would be in line with other recent conservations in Melastomataceae aimed at preserving nomenclatural stability (e.g., Michelangeli & al. in Taxon 65: 892–893. 2016).



(2787)Graffenrieda DC。,Prodr。3:105。Mar(med。)1828 [ Melastomat。],名词。缺点 支柱。

Typus:G.圆叶(Bonpl。)DC。(Rhexia rotundifolia Bonpl。)。

(=)Mem的Centronia D. Don。韦恩。纳特 历史。Soc。4:284,314。1823(邮编17 Mai),标价。rej。支柱。

Typus:C. laurifolia D.唐。

MerianieaeMelastomataceae)部落的系统发育分析表明,Centronia D.Don的类型在Graffenrieda DC。内部得到解决,否则被解析为单一系统的(Dellinger等人在New Phytol。221:1136-1149。2018,in Commun。Biol。2:453. 2019; Caetano等人在Perspect。Pl。Ecol。Evol。Syst。46:125556. 2020; Reginato等人在Molec。Phylogen。Evol。148:106815. 2020)。Centronia一直被认为是有问题的划界属,尤其是当相比GraffenriedaMerianiaSw。(Wurdack in Lasser,Fl。委内瑞拉8:226. 1973,Phytologia 35:1-13。1976; Almeda in Proc。California Acad。Sci。,ser。4,48:141-152。1993; Mendoza&Fernández马德里,马德里,Anales Jard。Bot。69:259–294。2012)。迄今为止,在Centronia中已有效发表了21种物种名称。但是,目前只有五种,包括C. laurifolia D. Don类型被接受,因为其余的已转移到Meriania(Wurdack,lc 1976,in Brittonia 39:159-164。1987 ; Almeda,lc 1993 ; Mendoza&Fernández,lc)或MerianiaWurdastom B. Walln的代名词。(玄参宿伞)(Mendoza&Fernández,lc; Mendoza in Acta Bot。Mex。127:e1642。2020)。目前在Centrononia公认的五个物种分布在安第斯山脉,从哥伦比亚到秘鲁,或者在委内瑞拉,哥伦比亚和巴西的瓜亚纳盾,其很少是从非常有限的种群中收集的(Don in Mem。Wern。Nat。历史记录4:314-315。1822;特里亚纳在Trans。Linn。Soc。伦敦28:71-72。1873;麦克布赖德在公共场国家历史博物馆,Bot。Ser。13:326-328 1941; Wurdack在Bot。Mus。Leafl。18:160-166。1958,在Mem。New York Bot。Gard。10:135-186。1964,lc 1973; Berry等,委内瑞拉瓜亚纳人6 :263-528。2001; Baumgratz等人,Catal。Pl。Fung。巴西2:1236-1278。2010; Almeda等人,Catal。Pl。Líquen。哥伦比亚:1585-1664。2016)。格拉芬里达另一方面,包括ca。从88个有效发表的物种和物种名称中识别出70个物种,并且从墨西哥南部和安的列斯群岛到玻利维亚和巴西(Almeda in Davidse等人,Fl。Mesoamer)具有更广泛的分布(并且经常有更多的植物标本室收藏)4: 164–337。2009; Syst。Bot。36:119–123。2011; Michelangeli&Goldenberg在Brittonia的66:170–173。2013; Michelangeli&Ulloa在植物志77:43–48。2013; Almeda&等人在Phytotaxa 163:39-47。2014; Lima等人在Kew Bull。72:47。2017; Murillo等人在Phytotaxa 391:131-137。2019)。

CentroniaMerianieae的其他属的区别在于大花,calyptrate花萼和花药与背侧附属物的结合(Wurdack,lc 1973)。第二背结缔组织附属物的存在也与物种相关Centronia(Wurdack,LC 1973),但是当此字符存在于许多以前在该属治疗的物种的,它是在型和一些众所周知的不在其他物种。格拉芬里达(Graffenrieda)的花药还带有背面结缔附肢,通常花较小。而大多数种类的格拉芬瑞达萼片由单独的裂片开放,有些物种确实有萼片花萼,许多具有此特征的物种以前曾被放置在Calyptrella Naudin中,但现在都在Graffenrieda中进行了处理(Williams in Fieldiana,Bot。29:562–564 1963年; Goldenberg和Meirelles,lc。因此,基于分子数据和形态学特征,毫无疑问,Cratonia laurifoliaGraffenrieda中的位置。在尚不包括在分子系统发育分析中的Centronia其余4种中,一种(C. sessilifolia Cogn。)可能更适合放置在Meriania中,而其他3种具有与后代一致的耐力特性。Graffenrieda(Wurdack,lc 1976; Mendoza&Fernández,lc)。


总而言之,保护格拉芬瑞达(Craftenrieda)有利于Centronia将会大大减少必要的新组合或新名称的数量(从70个减少到最多4个),以及减少受草herb影响的标本数量。此举将与最近在蜜桔科中旨在保持命名法稳定性的其他保护措施相吻合(例如,Michelangeli等人在Taxon 65:892–893。2016)。
