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The Engler Medal in Silver Awarded to DR. Terry Pennington and MS. Rosemary Wise
TAXON ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12410
Fabian A. Michelangeli 1

The Engler Medal in Silver is awarded for an outstanding monograph or other work in systematic botany, mycology or phycology and honors the legacy of Adolf Engler (1844–1930) in these disciplines. The Engler Medal in Silver was first awarded in 1987, at first annually, and since 2007 biennially. The 2020 Medal, for a work published in 2017–2018, has been awarded to Terry Pennington and Rosemary Wise for: “The Genus Sloanea (Elaeocarpaceae) in America”, DH Books, Milbourne Port. 447 pp. (2017).

This monograph comprehensively treats an important genus of 127 species of trees in the Americas. It contains descriptions, regional keys (which are easier to use than a large key for the entire genus), maps, and a wealth of other information, benefiting from over 50 years of field and herbarium work by Terry Pennington. A very important component of the monograph is the beautiful and very taxonomically informative illustrations by Rosemary Wise. In this regard, it is noteworthy that the illustrator is a co‐author of the monograph, a rare occurrence. However, most users of monographs know that, indeed, illustrations are often the very first thing that we turn to when attempting to determine a plant. Recognition of the illustrator's essential contribution to the publication is refreshing.

Terry Pennington has had a long and productive career studying Neotropical forests, mostly in Mexico and Peru, but also anywhere in between, producing several monographs and field guides working for the Food and Agriculture Organization and The New York Botanical Garden. Since 1999 he has been an Honorary Research Fellow at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Rosemary Wise has been a prolific botanical artist documenting a wide variety of plant groups for several researchers for over 50 years. She is a recipient of the Jill Smythies Award from the Linnean Society of London for published botanical illustrations and the Sibthorp Medal from the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford for “Lifetime Services to Botany”. Terry and Rosemary have collaborated since the 1960s when she did the illustrations for his dissertation, and that has not stopped since, with works on Sapotaceae, Meliaceae, Inga (Fabaceae), the trees of Peru and many important botanical topics. We hope to be able to present him with the medal in person as soon as we can.


恩格勒银质奖章授予DR。特里·彭宁顿(Terry Pennington)和MS。迷迭香

恩格勒银质奖章因其在系统植物学,真菌学或植物学方面的杰出专着或其他著作而被授予,并纪念阿道夫·恩格勒(Adolf Engler(1844–1930))在这些学科中的遗产。1987年首次授予恩格勒银质奖章,此奖每年一次,自2007年起每两年颁发一次。特雷·彭宁顿(Terry Pennington)和罗斯玛丽·怀斯(Rosemary Wise)的2020年奖章(在2017-2018年出版)的获奖原因是:“美国的芦荟科”,DH图书,米尔伯恩港。447页(2017)。

该专着全面论述了美洲127种树木的重要属。它包含描述,区域键(对于整个属而言,比大键更易于使用),地图以及大量其他信息,这得益于Terry Pennington超过50年的野外和植物标本室的工作。该专着的一个非常重要的组成部分是罗斯玛丽·怀斯(Rosemary Wise)创作的精美且在分类学上非常有用的插图。在这方面,值得注意的是,插图画家是该专着的合著者,这种情况很少见。但是,大多数专着的用户都知道,实际上,插图往往是我们尝试确定植物时首先要考虑的事情。对插画家对出版物的重要贡献的认识令人耳目一新。

特里·彭宁顿(Terry Pennington)在从事新热带森林研究方面有着长期而富有成果的职业,主要是在墨西哥和秘鲁,但也介于两者之间,为粮食及农业组织和纽约植物园撰写了几本专着和实地指南。自1999年以来,他一直担任基尤皇家植物园的名誉研究员。罗斯玛丽·怀斯(Rosemary Wise)是一位多产的植物学家,在过去50多年中,他为数位研究人员记录了各种各样的植物群。她因发表的植物插图而获得伦敦林奈学会的吉尔·史密斯奖,并因“植物学的终生服务”而获得牛津大学植物科学系的锡伯索普奖章。特里和罗斯玛丽(Rosemary)自1960年代开始合作,当时她为他的论文做插图,印加(Fabaceae),秘鲁的树木和许多重要的植物主题。我们希望能够尽快向他亲自颁发奖章。
