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Phylogenomics of the tropical plant family Ochnaceae using targeted enrichment of nuclear genes and 250+ taxa
TAXON ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12421
Julio V. Schneider 1, 2 , Tanja Jungcurt 1, 3 , Domingos Cardoso 4 , André Márcio Amorim 5, 6 , Mats Töpel 7, 8 , Tobias Andermann 8, 9 , Odile Poncy 10 , Thomas Berberich 11 , Georg Zizka 1, 3

Targeted capture of nuclear genes increasingly contributes to unravelling phylogenetic relationships that hitherto remained unresolved because of limitations of traditional Sanger sequencing. In particular, the study of tropical plant families has been compromised because they often rely on highly degraded DNA obtained from herbarium specimens. One such example is the pantropical Ochnaceae, which comprises 33 genera and approximately 550 species, occurring mostly in savannas and moist tropical forests. Here, we developed a set of baits covering about 660,000 bp from 275 nuclear genes used for the targeted enrichment based on all but one genus and more than 250 species. Using this novel dataset, we resolved the phylogenetic backbone of Ochnaceae, including that of Ochninae, and we established new relationships. Most importantly, our findings highlight that the neotropical and palaeotropical taxa of Sauvagesia form independent clades, requiring the re‐erection of formerly separate genera. Ouratea and Ochna (both Ochninae), by far the most species‐rich genera and represented by 120 and 41 species, respectively, came out as monophyletic. In contrast, the third‐most species‐rich genus, Campylospermum, is polyphyletic in two distinct clades. Ouratea, the only neotropical genus of Ochninae, was sister to the five palaeotropical genera of this subtribe. The bait kit developed in this study proved to be particularly useful for unravelling relationships within Ochninae, which includes about two‐thirds of the species diversity in the family.



由于传统的Sanger测序的局限性,核基因的靶向捕获越来越多地有助于阐明迄今为止尚未解决的系统发生关系。特别地,对热带植物科的研究受到影响,因为它们通常依赖于从植物标本室标本中获得的高度降解的DNA。一个这样的例子是泛热带的ch鱼科,它包括33个属和大约550种,主要发生在热带稀树草原和潮湿的热带森林中。在这里,我们开发了一组诱饵,这些诱饵由275种核基因组成,涵盖了大约660,000 bp的诱饵,用于除一种外的所有属和250多种物种,用于有针对性的富集。使用这个新颖的数据集,我们解析了虎杖科的系统发育主干,包括虎杖科的主干,并建立了新的关系。最重要的是,鼠尾草形成独立的进化枝,需要重新建立以前分开的属。OurateaOchna(均为Ochninae)是迄今为止物种最丰富的属,分别以120和41种为代表。相比之下,物种多样性排名第三高的弯曲藻属(Campylospermum)在两个不同的进化枝中具有多重生物。赛金莲木属,Ochninae唯一的新热带属,是姐姐这个亚族的五大palaeotropical属。事实证明,这项研究开发的诱饵套件对于揭示O形纲内的关系特别有用,其中包括大约三分之二的物种多样性。