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Migration of Hot Jupiters Induced by Atmosphere Outflow
Astronomy Reports ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063772920120069
E. P. Kurbatov , D. V. Bisikalo , I. F. Shaikhislamov


As is known, the influence of the ionizing radiation and the gravity of a star on a hot Jupiter results in the outflow of its atmosphere. Due to the gravity of the planet, the outflowing matter acquires angular momentum, after which it is accumulated on a higher circular orbit around the star and forms a disk or a torus. The angular momentum interexchange between the torus and the planet induces the migration of the planet to the star. In this paper, we consider the effectiveness of this migration mechanism by the example of the HD 209458 system. It turns out that, after 4.5 × 109 years since the evaporation of the protoplanetary disk, the planet might migrate from an orbit at ≳0.67 AU to its current orbit at 0.045 AU.




众所周知,电离辐射和恒星的重力对热木星的影响导致其大气流出。由于行星的引力,流出的物质获得角动量,然后它在恒星周围的较高圆形轨道上积累,并形成圆盘或圆环。圆环与行星之间的角动量交换引起行星向恒星的迁移。在本文中,我们以HD 209458系统为例来考虑这种迁移机制的有效性。事实证明,自原行星盘蒸发4.5×10 9年后,该行星可能从≳0.67AU的轨道迁移到其0.045 AU的当前轨道。
