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Representing narratives in digital libraries: The narrative ontology
Semantic Web ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.3233/sw-200421
Carlo Meghini 1 , Valentina Bartalesi 1 , Daniele Metilli 1, 2

Digital Libraries (DLs), especially in the Cultural Heritage domain, are rich in narratives. Every digital object in a DL tells some kind of story, regardless of the medium, the genre, or the type of the object. However, DLs do not offer services about narratives, for example it is not possible todiscover a narrative, to create one, or to compare two narratives. Certainly, DLs offer discovery functionalities over their contents, but these services merely address the objects that carry the narratives (e.g. books, images, audiovisual objects), without regard for the narratives themselves. The present work aims at introducing narratives as first-class citizens in DLs, by providing a formal expression of what a narrative is. In particular, this paper presents a conceptualisation of the domain of narratives, and its specification through the Narrative Ontology (NOnt for short), expressed in first-order logic. NOnt has been implemented as an extension of three standard vocabularies, i.e. the CIDOC CRM, FRBRoo, and OWL Time, and using the SWRL rule language to express the axioms. On the basis of NOnt, we have developed the Narrative Building and Visualising (NBVT) tool, and applied it in four case studies to validate the ontology. NOnt is also being validated in the context of the Mingei European project, in which it is applied to the representation of knowledge about Craft Heritage.



数字图书馆(DL),尤其是在文化遗产领域,具有丰富的叙事方式。DL中的每个数字对象都讲述某种故事,而与对象的媒介,体裁或类型无关。但是,DL不提供有关叙事的服务,例如,不可能发现一种叙事,创建一个叙事或比较两个叙事。毫无疑问,DL在其内容上提供发现功能,但是这些服务仅针对携带叙述的对象(例如书籍,图像,视听对象),而无需考虑叙述本身。本工作旨在通过提供叙事内容的正式表达,将叙事作为DL中的一等公民引入。特别是,本文提出了叙事领域的概念,以及通过叙事本体(简称NOnt)的规范,以一阶逻辑表示。NOnt已实现为三个标准词汇的扩展,即CIDOC CRM,FRBRoo和OWL Time,并使用SWRL规则语言来表达公理。在NOnt的基础上,我们开发了叙事建筑和可视化(NBVT)工具,并将其应用于四个案例研究中以验证本体。NOnt也正在Mingei欧洲项目的范围内得到验证,该项目将NOnt应用于有关手工艺遗产知识的表示中。我们已经开发了叙事建筑和可视化(NBVT)工具,并将其应用于四个案例研究中以验证本体。NOnt也正在Mingei欧洲项目的范围内得到验证,该项目将NOnt应用于有关手工艺遗产知识的表示中。我们已经开发了叙事建筑和可视化(NBVT)工具,并将其应用于四个案例研究中以验证本体。NOnt也正在Mingei欧洲项目的范围内得到验证,该项目将NOnt应用于有关手工艺遗产知识的表示中。