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Protecting miners from coal bursts during development above historic mine workings in Harlan County, KY
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmst.2020.12.015
Christopher Mark

In order to reach a large, untapped reserve of high-quality coal, D8 Cloverlick Mine proposed to mine a corridor nearly 600 m deep beneath the Benham Spur of Black Mountain, Kentucky’s highest peak. D8 Cloverlick Mine was extracting the Owl seam, but the corridor’s route lay approximately 20 m above century-old mine workings in the C–(Darby) seam. Adding to the concern, three serious coal bursts had recently occurred in nearby Owl seam workings. Maps of the old workings seemed to indicate that the underlying C–seam had been fully extracted. However, two of the coal bursts had occurred above areas where the C–Seam was also shown as mined out. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Technical Support therefore investigated the records of past mining to better understand the old mine maps. Underground conditions observed in current Owl seam workings were also compared with the maps of the old C–seam workings. The study concluded that the presence of hazardous underlying remnants could not be ruled out. To mitigate the burst risk, D8 Cloverlick Mine adopted a strategy of stress probe drilling. A self-propelled coal drill was used to auger 11.5-m-long, small diameter holes in advance of mining. As each hole was drilled, the cuttings were measured to detect the presence of highly stressed coal. Ultimately the crossing was successfully completed without incident.



为了达到大量尚未开采的优质煤炭储量,D8 Cloverlick矿山提议在肯塔基州最高峰黑山的本纳姆马刺(Benham Spur)下方近600 m处开采一条走廊。D8 Cloverlick矿正在开采Owl煤层,但走廊的路线位于C–(Darby)煤层中距百年历史的矿井上方约20 m。更令人担忧的是,最近在猫头鹰wl煤层附近发生了三起严重的煤爆。旧工作图似乎表明基础C缝已被完全提取。但是,其中两个煤爆发生在C煤层也被开采的区域上方。因此,矿山安全与健康管理局(MSHA)技术支持调查了过去的采矿记录,以更好地了解旧的矿山地图。还将在目前的Owl接缝工作中观察到的地下条件与旧的C形接缝工作图进行了比较。研究得出结论,不能排除存在潜在的潜在危险残留物。为了减轻爆炸危险,D8 Cloverlick矿采用了应力探针钻探策略。在开采之前,使用自走式煤钻钻凿长11.5 m的小直径孔。在钻每个孔时,测量切屑以检测高应力煤的存在。最终,穿越成功完成,没有发生任何事故。在开采之前,使用自走式煤钻钻凿长11.5 m的小直径孔。在钻每个孔时,测量切屑以检测高应力煤的存在。最终,穿越成功完成,没有发生任何事故。在开采之前,使用自走式煤钻钻凿长11.5 m的小直径孔。在钻每个孔时,测量切屑以检测高应力煤的存在。最终,穿越成功完成,没有发生任何事故。
